It takes more than pep rallies and one-man movements… too do what must be done, if we expect to save our nation.  There is no doubt that Pres. Trump has the point in leading the reform movement.  However, his zeal and that of his constituency must translate into constructive change. Legislation and political reforms that remove the stains of the past, and replace the lies of the disengenuous with fundamental transformation, and a return to Constitutional Government.

There needs to be a purge in the RNC and GOP leadership... one that acknowledges the mistakes of the past and embraces the TRUMP MAGA movement fully... The RNC must accept the election fraud and actively expose it where it has occurred… our voice... our vote, must be defended not ignored!  The well of liberty must not be poisoned ever again. 

Men like McConnell and Romney must resign… and apologize for their actions, as they have put the Nation at risk with their biased and hateful vendetta against Pres. Trump, they have divided the Republican Party.   The Local and State leadership of the party needs to repent.  The Party must remove the stagnate and corrupt from their agency… as the managers of the GOP... New blood must head up a crusade to purge out the lump ... the betrayal of the party base.

We can still turn the Nation around… but it will take a complete self-examination and return to the basics of representative government ... Government of the people, for the people, and by the people... Let us pray God continues to rally Pres. Trump's supporters, and that he becomes the refiner’s fire of God's will... as he works to remove the draught from the Gold and Silver of our nation’s core... to once more become that shining city set upon a hill… that golden chalice of freedom, in a world of despots… A shining citadel of Liberty.  Amen   

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  • May the former and the latter day rains soak this land and rebirth righteousness in this Land that we love. The Word says the Angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear HIm and to hate evil is to fear the Lord, and His Word says, "He delivers them." Amen.

    • The timing and method of the Lord's deliverance are of His choosing and prerogatives... Therefore, having done all stand and resist the Devil, he must flee...


    I agree. I want to see how the America people vote in november. If the American people don't take this time to fix the problem at the polls then I'm not sure we will survive. 

    • We will not know HOW THE AMERICAN PEOPLE VOTED IN NOVEMBER... We will be told how we voted... and if the tabulation and recorded vote are arrived at using the same computer logarithm used in the 2020 election, the actual vote will not match the reported totals.

      Joseph Stalin said that those casting the votes decide nothing—those who count the votes determine who is elected.  So far little has been done to stop millions of illegal aliens from registering and voting in the coming elections.  In fact, government-sponsored efforts to register millions of illegal aliens are taking place.

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