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  • By now, NY's State Judicial Conduct Committee has received the formal complaint sent by Rep. Elise Stefanik and they are required, by law, to act on that complaint- - - I haven't heard any noise yet, have you??

  • Good idea - but it will never happen.

  • This entire trial is the POSTER CHILD EXAMPLE of an UNCONSTITUTIONAL Court Action!  Not only did this judge trample on every Constitutional Right of President Trump that he could think of, his jury instructions are completely and utterly ANTI-AMERICAN and UNCONSTITUTIONAL!  Judge Merchan must be disbarred and removed from the bench, just before his citizenship is revoked and he is shipped off to live in Yemen, the armpit of the universe! 

  • I hope the courts step in and disbar this vile corrupt so called judge

  • Oh Hell that Asshole  ain't gonna look at nothing!! He is as Crooked as Merchan.

  • The judge, the DA, and the attorneys for the state all need to be in jail.  Their attorney licenses should be pulled.  What a sham trial.  This makes the kangaroo courts in South American countries look like kid stuff.  I think all of America sees what is happening here.  The Biden administration, including his AG, are all working together to eliminate the Republican candidate from the ballot.  It will not work and the liar Biden will be defeated.

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