(PatriotHQ) January 6 Committee punishes the witness pool! Just about the time citizens believe they can know the truth about what happened in January two years ago the J6 Committee gives a big F*ck You Finger to the American people! 🖕 (don’t worry it was only an accident we disclosed your personal ID to the world)
Of all the lamebrain, scallywag dipsh*t thing to do is to “accidently dump” over 2,000 Trump official’s most personal information exposing confidential information to the world!
Here, read it for yourself: According to a report published on January 6, the files contained the Social Security numbers of Trump officials and Republicans.
The committee made public 2,000 Social Security numbers, including those of children.
The January 6 committee posted numerous documents online but did not pay close attention.
The records included 2,000 Social Security numbers from members of President Donald Trump's cabinet, White House visitors, Republicans, and even their family members:
While the spreadsheet with the numbers was removed on Wednesday, the high-profile nature of the people whose data was exposed puts them at "elevated risk," because the information would be especially useful to intelligence agencies, according to James Lee, chief operating officer of the Identity Theft Resource Center, a nonprofit organization advises victims of identity crimes and compromises.
Lee advised those on the list to follow common tips for victims of identity theft, such as freezing their credit, using a multi-factor authentication app for their online accounts, and setting up credit and account monitoring.
Individuals who have been exposed do not appear to have been notified of the leak. The Government Publishing Office (GPO), which first published the file, did not respond to a request for comment on whether it intended to notify people whose Social Security numbers had been compromised.
"As far as I know, we were not notified. "South Dakota Gov. Kristi L. Noem was not notified," said Ian Fury, a spokesman for Noem (R). Noem's, her husband's, and her three children's Social Security numbers were listed alongside their names.
Yes, Noem's children's Social Security numbers were included in the spreadsheet. The SSNs of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster were also included.
This is terrifying: "Whether it was careless and sloppy record handling or a deliberate disregard for decorum, either scenario is a perfunctory and callous display of government and a frightening reminder of the current state in Washington," said former housing and urban development secretary Ben Carson, whose name was listed alongside a Social Security number in the spreadsheet. "President Reagan was a true genius — the nine most terrifying words to hear are 'I am from the government and here to help.'"
According to a former Jan. 6 committee aide who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly, committee "records released publicly underwent a review process to redact personal details and other sensitive information."
"Any disclosure of such information was unintentional," 🖕 the aide added.
WTF the J6 Clowns give a payback to over half of America by ‘unintentionally’ disclosing social security numbers of thousands of Trump officials!
Absolutely F’ng evil!
There are 175 Attorneys in both houses of Congress, each has taken an Oath to the American Bar Association (ABA). The term "BAR" stands for British Accreditation Registry. Each Attorney receives a British Registration number.
Because it is British it requires Foreign Agent Registration (Act), passed by Congress since at least 2010. (FARA)
Are they following the law and registering as Foreign Agents? NO, they are not. How can one serve two masters? How can they register their Oath to a legal system in a foreign country?
Words matter. Oaths matter. As in my post below, they are Bonded--- and Bonds can be revoked, leaving them defenseless and then liable for violation to their Oath to the Constitution of the United States.
According to Nat. Law Review, lawyers are required to register with FARA. " Lawyers sometimes believe they are not required to register,...but this reflects a misunderstanding relating to FARA's applicability to lawyers." " FARA is a federal law to establish transpired and disclosure regarding certain activities in the US on behalf of foreign interests, and is administered by the Counterintelligence and Export Control Section of the DOJ. They must register within 10 days of becoming an "Agent of a Foreign Principle," which means "agent, representative, employee, or servant of a foreign principal," and must be engaged in conduct in behalf of the foreign principal."
As I understand it, due to the DC Govco. registered as a Corporation, one way AND the other, they serve foreign interests. The courts are either administrative, maritime or military-----they are NOT common law as the Constitution requires, and therefore, the case could be made that they ALL are Foreign Agents.
Obviously, Houston, We have a problem.
It should also be noted that the Constitution PROHIBITS ANY INDIVIDUAL Including LAWYERS...from holding more than one government office at a time (state or federal)... Attorneys are officers of the Court... part of the Judiciary. As such, they hold an office in the government and can not be members of Congress while holding a license as an officer of the Court... as a member of the Judiciary. Lawyers must surrender their license if they are to hold ANY OTHER PUBLIC OFFICE. It is unconstitutional to hold two government offices at the same time...
For More See: Overview of Federal Office Prohibition | Constitution Annotated | C...
In Ohio, surrendering the law license is irrevokable.
"The retirement or resignation from practice of law is final and irrevocable once accepted by the Supreme Court of Ohio. An attorney should seek to retire or ..." So I wonder how many are still holding that BAR licensure....
Transparency, not Transpired
There is an option to consider. Every single lawmaker, representative, judge, magistrate, takes at least one Oath, and is bonded. The bonding protects them from civil suit but only as long as they are fulfilling their Oaths. The Bond may be a group bond and is likely through insurance companies, but not sure on that. A simple Public Records Request can provide their Oath and Bond. Those who violate their Oath are subject to their Bond being Revoked. This means their immunity is removed. They can then be sued for everything they have.
Thanks for the information... certainly worth knowing. Lots of luck in finding an attorney to file the necessary court action and legal documents to challenge a judge or prosecutor's oath and to pursue the revocation of their bond.
The legislature, governor, local BAR association, and judicial review board are used in many states to remove or discipline corrupt prosecutors and judges but rarely do... One has to be convicted and on the way to prison....before most legislatures, governors, or these self-regulating boards will strip them of their offices and law licenses... There have been state and federal judges drawing pay while in prison ... because they refused to resign and the process to impeach or remove them was being contested and delayed.
However, the above actions are rarely pursued and when they are pursued... historically, they are unlikely to succeed. Lawyers, judges, and politicians, protect one another.... as part of an informal fraternal order similar to law enforcement. Frankly, we have allowed the corruption of the judiciary and justice system to fester to the point that we need a TOTAL RECALL of all prosecutors and judges, with appointments to be limited to short terms of 1-3 years with statutory reviews mandated... for all valid complaints. The reviews can be conducted by a standing committee or permanent agency appointed by the State Legislatures and Congress. The quasi-formal self-regulatory system must end...
In all the years I have observed or heard of corrupt prosecutors and judges... only a hand full were ever disciplined... removed. The self-regulatory system is not working.
We must find help at the State level... to create PEOPLE's GRAND JURIES which will pursue political corruption... starting with the mass appointment of Judges and Prosecutors who will use their office and power to drain the swamp... The current judicial system is broken. There is a willful abuse among prosecutors and the judiciary to ignore political corruption... including sedition and treason in high places. We must regain control of the Judicial system if we are to PEACEFULLY reform government... by enforcing the law. Government is only as good as its judicial system and the administration of its laws.
We have the necessary criminal code to drain the swamp... What we don't have are prosecutors and Judges (state and federal) who are willing to administer the law properly. The law has become the sword of tyrants used to subjugate the people. The Law is no longer a servant of the people.
Fully Informed Jury Association, (FIJA) teaches on the power of Citizens to Nullify through being seated on a Grand Jury.
Unfortunately, at this point in time, their strongest advice is to pretend subjectively that, "I just don't feel right about this..." instead of saying the objective truth that the law is wrong, therefore, the accused is innocent. Even after being seated on a jury, judges and attorneys will remove someone for saying that truth of the power to Nullify.
Now is the time for the J6 committee to be investageted, Then charged with Treason found guilty and executed
IMHO the J6 Committee committed crimes far greater than the Capitol builing tresspassers ever did.