
  • How much do they love Trump? Enough to back him up if he buys CNN!? 

  • The US needs Trump right now if it is to survive as a free and prosperous nation. Under President Trump we had a booming economy. Trump had lowered taxes and regulations which helped the economy and actually increased federal revenue. We had the highest ever workforce numbers we had ever had and lowest actual unemployment numbers. The “employment” numbers are much more indicative of prosperity than the unemployment numbers. Those high employment numbers included, but was not limited to, blacks, Hispanic, Asians, women and first time job seekers even those without a high school diploma. Businesses were coming back to the US to do business here especially manufacturing and off shore money was finally coming back to the US due to the decrease in interest rates and regulations. We were energy independent and a net oil and LNG exporter. The southern border was more secure then it had ever been before. The lower middle class and lower class worker was getting the lions share of the increases in income. Everyone, willing to work, was benefitting from the Trump policies. There is little doubt Donald J Trump did more for the American people and the nation as a whole than any president since at least Reagan if not Lincoln. But above all America was feared by our enemies and respected by our allies. And the world was a much safer place.

  • We the people LOVE TRUMP!!!

  • Once again we witness that truth prevails. President Donald J. Trump was strong and steadfast in telling the truth straight to the face of the lying msm. No wonder the audience loved him. We the people need Trump and his decisive and orderly leadership back in the White House.

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