
  • Carville supports the theocracy of the democrats. He's an ass.

  • So how would Trump replace liberal Justices? He has no power to replace them unless they resign or die and the three Libs on the SC are still relatively young. Sounds like the usual made up problem tactic that Dems can always be counted on to use when they have no legitimate issues to run on.  Kind of like their saying Trump is Hitler, Orange Man BAD, mean tweets, Russia Russia Russia, Trump will end democracy, etc, etc, ad infinitum.

  • This old fossil is irrelevant. He is an ancient relic from the liberal past.

  • Does anyone really pay any attention to this man anymore he is eaten up with LIBERAL,PROGRESSIVE SOCIALIST IGNORANCE.

  • No Jimmy, the USA will return to a representative Republic.  We can thank God at that time. We can only pray that Trump will get the opportunity to appoint a justice that we know will follow the Constitution.

    • Amen.

  • Mr. Carville you are exactly right about 99% of what you just said. The 1% you were incorrect about was if Trump becomes president. You should replace the name Trump with BIDEN, then you would be 100% correct. 

  • Carville, you have lasted longer than I'd hoped!

    • He is just a useful idiot......Rush got that wrong! Perhaps he was just going on his looks! 

  • Does anyone actually listen to this windbag anymore?  He has been an open fool for the past 40 years!

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