JUST IN: Censored video re-emerges of ANTIFA IN BLACK CLAD trying to BREAK IN to the capitol..
— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) March 9, 2023
Trump supporters can be seen attempting to PHYSICALLY STOP these individuals and pointing them out to police..
WON’T SEE THIS ON CNN..pic.twitter.com/umIezBLZLo
JUST IN: Censored video re-emerges of ANTIFA IN BLACK CLAD being identified and forced from the steps of the Capitol by Trump Supporters..
— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) March 9, 2023
WON’T SEE THIS ON CNN.. pic.twitter.com/JoS3ce9uV3
https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/catherinesalgado/2023/03/11/jan-6-videos-show-antifa-disguising-selves-as-trump-supporters-trumpers-stopping-vandals-n1677413đź‘€Eyewitness says Antifa was dressed up as Trump supporters at the capitol on Jan 6 2021 #TuckerCarlson #TrumpWasRightAboutEverything pic.twitter.com/69usGxxCVE
— Sodevine07 (@KellyAn35453630) March 7, 2023
By GOD'S GRACE, We have arrived at AUGUST 2023 and due to "hesitancy" we have Not regained any Naionally voiced Belief in FREEDOM as promoted by the founder's Constitution. This lack of activity is Still exhibiting our lack of caring for Our Children and a denial of basic human Rights as given to us from GOD. Maybe some frequent formal actions are needed to Re-Jump Start the "PATRIOTIC FIRE" in us ? Publicly some periodic forums by certain folks who expound common sense might be one such venue. So i am hoping the membership here will join me in making a request of 3 nationally well known persons to hold such a combined assemblage to address dangers and tripping blocks to our resuming AMERICA Under GOD and dispensing with all selfishness and ego in our way. My choices for this "summit" are JOE MANCHIN, DENNIS PRAGER and Donald Trump. Who else would you like to hear ???. Can we see how such an effort will require participation.......Who will contact these people besides me? Who would like to be named as the "Originator"....Or Who Should Be? i want to dispel the existence of ego-----RIGHT NOW ! ! ! . *** Senator Manchin 304-342-5855, : DENNIS PRAGER : DONALD TRUMP<<TO FILL IN. i am getting this out and "rolling" Early on. ALSO--Email address: common_sense@manchin.senate.gov :Help With A Federal or State Agency
Y o u r I n f o r m a t i o n
Additional Information
Your Request
Have you contacted another congressional office regarding this issue?
Please provide a detailed explanation of your concerns:
SUGGESTION AS FOLLOWS-- By GOD'S GRACE, We have arrived at AUGUST 2023 and due to "hesitancy"
we have Not regained any Naionally voiced Belief in FREEDOM as promoted by the founder's
Constitution. This lack of activity is Still exhibiting our lack of caring for Our Children and a denial of
basic human Rights as given to us from GOD. Maybe some frequent formal actions are needed to
Re-Jump Start the "PATRIOTIC FIRE" in us ? Publicly some periodic forums by certain folks who expound
common sense might be one such venue. So i am hoping the membership here will join me in making a
request of 3 nationally well known persons to hold such a combined assemblage to address dangers
and tripping blocks to our resuming AMERICA Under GOD and dispensing with all selfishness and ego in
our way. My choices for this "summit" are JOE MANCHIN, DENNIS PRAGER and Donald Trump. Who else
would you like to hear ???. Can we see how such an effort will require participation.......Who will contact
these people besides me? Who would like to be named as the "Originator"....Or Who Should Be? i want
to dispel the existence of ego-----RIGHT NOW ! ! ! . *** Senator Manchin 304-342-5855, : DENNIS
PRAGER : DONALD TRUMP<https://www.45office.com/info/share-your-thoughts
Due to the Privacy Act of 1974 (PL 93579), federal and state agencies are prohibited from releasing
information or discussing anything regarding another individual without that person's written
permission. Your signature on this page authorizes Senator Manchin and/or his representatives to
contact the proper officials on your behalf discuss the issue and receive any pertinent information.
Your signature also gives Senator Manchin and/or his representatives permission to send a copy of
this form and any attached letters or supporting documentation to the appropriate agency.
900 Pennsylvania Ave
S u i t e 6 2 9
C h a r l e s t o n , W V 2 5 3 0 2
P h o n e : 3 0 4 - 3 4 2 - 5 8 5 5
N a m e :
RADIANTTWO@REAGAN.COM i Have left a similar text on DENNIS PRAGER'S WEBSITE --11:57 AM, 8/23/2023
P h o n e N u m b e r :
210 ### ####
D a t e o f B i r t h :
Social Security #:
S i g n a t u r e : _________________________________________ D a t e: _____/_____/_____
Help With A Federal Agency | Aug 23 2023 12:08:28 | SANDERS, RICHARD - 1 of 2
Please sign, and send back to my office in one of
these four ways:
1. Scan and email to
2. Fax a copy to my Charleston office at 304-343-7144
3. Drop it off in person to any of my four offices
4. Mail it to my Charleston office at:
900 Pennsylvania Ave
S u i t e 6 2 9
C h a r l e s t o n , W V 2 5 3 0 2
P h o n e : 3 0 4 - 3 4 2 - 5 8 5 5
Help With A Federal Agency | Aug 23 2023 12:08:28 | SANDERS, RICHARD - 2 of 2
Dirty bastards!
Can we start calling these thugs what they are? DEMOCRATS ANTIFA. They belong to them.
Antifa worked for the FBI!
Too bad THIS is not being shown to people who think that the Trump supporters were the ones causing the violence.Â
I checked out what the NYT said about Tucker Carlson's release of the videos- they claimed that it was false that the Trump supporters were peaceful. It was a long article, as can be expected of that paper. Way down they quoted Elise Stefanik who was supportive of the release of the videos, but naturally they quoted the RINOS up front.
Antifa needs to be oblierated and the sooner the better
We want that way back then, those who were there knew what was going on!
This is a War on Conservatives.... At what point do we say enough is enough? I've learned over the years that Violence respects violence.. That's why the Proud boys and Oath Keepers are currently in jail in D.C. The left is scared toi death of these organizations because they don't take shit off these slime balls........Yet, not a one of them is in jail.. Its WAR !!!
On conservatives, Christians, the middle class, they are braking the back of the middle class, robbing us all of our hard work....shifting moneys!
i said enough is enough when the POS Obama was put into the WH.......he was the one, our "beloved" first BLACK president ( we just had to have one) who paved this road.
Whatever the left touches turns to shit!
that says it like it is... Thanks!!