
    • Absolutely. We are chosen for this time, for a reason. Thanks, Michael.

  • This evil must be totally destroyed before any truce can happen. 

  • Isn't it obvious that the N.W.O. via the democrats and Republicans, Bush 1&2, Clintons, Obama & "O"biden have most likly allowed, maybe even helped, a huge number of evil military aged radicals from all over the world into the USA!  They are most likely even receiving a monthly check, food, phone, housing and no telling what else.  All financed by us!  It wouldn't surprise me if the ATF was arming several sectors of radical millitary trained illegal aliens already here.  ALL the FED agencies are doing all they can to destroy this nation.  WE HAVE NO TIME LEFT, PERIOD!!!!!

    • Well said.  The U.S. is complicit in most world conflicts.  Taxpayer money is being used to support the U.S. Industrial-Miltary complex (the deep state). Unless citizens wake up and grow up, the U.S. will soon be controlled by a tyrannical government.  Those who don't understand the horrors of living under a Marxist-tyrannical-dictatorial government need to get off their butts and get informed.  There are books, the internet, and many individuals who have had a first-hand experience living under such a nightmare.  Wake up and stand up for freedom.  Either you are part of a solution or you are part of the problem.

    • Agreed

  • There is only one path to piece for Israel.  That path must include the total and complete eradication of the radical pig muslims of Hamas, Hezbollah and all other radical pig muslims.  Eventually the hard line muslim pig rulers in Iran will have to be eliminated as well.  The world will not know peace until radical muslim pigs are eliminated from the planet.  KILL THEM ALL!!


    1. Kill them all, let G*d sort them out

    2. Show pictures of their dead bodies to the world

    3. Wrap their bodies with pig skin, drenched in pig blood

    4. Bury them in unmarked graves face down

    5. Repeat the process. 

    Questions? ..........didn't think so! 


    • Add one thing to bury them face down. Before burying them wrap their bodies with the hide from a hog. Nothing creates more fear in a muslim. We have plenty of large hogs running loose in Texas that are being shot all the time to control the numbers. Skin the biggest hogs and ship the hides to Israel.

    • ADMIN

      WOW! How could I have forgotten the most important step! ........there I fixed it. 

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