Police typically have to identify themselves before serving warrants or making arrests in America, but a federal judge in Portland recently ruled federal agents in Portland, Oregon, do not have to identify themselves when arresting suspects.
U.S. District Judge Michael Mosman ruled Friday that Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum lacked standing to sue the federal government. Rosenblum had sued the Trump administration alleging the federal agents deployed in Portland violated protester’s and rioter’s constitutional rights. Mosman ruled Rosenblum hadn’t articulated a state interest beyond those constitutional rights, PJ Media reported.
read more here: https://www.dailywire.com/news/judge-rules-federal-agents-dont-have-to-identify-themselves-while-making-arrests-in-portland
Terrorism and Destruction have nothing to do with protests. Does this judge have a dictionary of legal terms, or just a plain old dictionary?
Well, the headline is incorrect (not to mention misleading). The court did not rule that federal agents don't have to identify themselves while making arrests. The court only ruled that the state of Oregon did not have standing to sue on an issue that properly belongs to the person who claims the violation of rights. Thus, if someone arrested and charged raises this as the basis for suppression motion or dismissal, the trial court can properly rule on that motion. Believe it or not, the federal court did not write a free pass for institution of martial law in America.
Folks -- martial law is the last thing America needs...and contrary to popular opinion, there is no Federal mechanism for national martial law...only Governors may declare suspension of civil rights & impose military control -- and then only for specified time periods.
The Feds have several very strong laws that create unpleasant effects, if utilized...effects we honest citizens would not like.
I propose, instead, the following:
1. Decouple our PDs from the political establishment at the state & local levels. That removes command authority from politicians and puts police under control of an elected non-political oversight commission...
2. Change qualied immunity rules to clearly defined the boundary between legal use of force (protected) and excessive use of force (non protected)...Giving LEOs clear & easily understood rules protects everyone.
3. Require, by referendum if necessary, state legislatures to make riotous behavior a severe & high ranking FELONY with harsh penalties for breaking the law.
4. Equip & train & fund local & state police to suppress violent groups & their actions.
5. Revise state law to ensure that ALL US CITIZENS may acquire, carry & use firearms for their and the common defense -- without restrictive & costly regulations.
Do these things & the insane Left will be wiped out.
Why do you think anything would be non-political in this day and time? We had trust in the FIB. the FDA, the NIH. The Wright State Univesity student who rushed the stage at Vandalia, OH airport at Trump's rally comitted a felony by going behind the barricades while secret service was there, and he was let off with a misdemeanor by a judge. We can't stop judges from running the country. They are out of control. What you are suggesting gets closer to what 0 wanted, a nationalized police force. I agree with 2 - 5, but not #1.
For the leftist marrrooons, define a peaceful protest versus a violent protest or riot. The left has a hard time differentiating the 2. Murdering, raping, looting, smashing, burning, throwing deadly projectiles is not a peaceful protest.
Fixing the sedition can & should be taken care of immediately -- harshly, if necessary.
The systemic fixed I propose won't take all that long to out into place once the structural Left is destroyed. And of course my suggestions will work once sane people are in charge again.
Thanks for pointing out what I should have added.
Mosman or Moron? I'll sign. Just tell me where the petition is. Martial law is the only way the Dimorat cities and states will settle down. Also, follow the money funding these anarchist and Antifa thugs. Then jail the money bags or charge them with sedition which is a capital offense. God willing we have Trump for Four More Years!
We don't need martial law. All we need is conviction and the state and local level to enforce the laws we have on the books, and at the federal level tol identify these groups as terrorists and proceed expeditiously under existing federal law. We don't need more laws; we need more in the Executive branches with the will to enforce what we already have.
i will sign it.
I will sign it.