
  • Well her paternal ancestors owned slaves (granted it wasn't in this country, but they did own slaves) therefore let her and the family of others that have owned slaves pay the reparations. Why shlould the rest of us?

  • Commie ideas instead of balancing the budget as President Trump will do again just like he did in his first term.

  • Why should I pay reparations for acts done 160 years ago? I'm a son of an immigrant! We escaped Germany, where is our reparations? 

    • I came from communism.......where is mine? They took my land, my home, my business, kept me locked behind the iron curtain, forced me to wear their uniform, sing the soviet anthem, kept me separated from family, moved me wherever they wanted me........where's my reperation?

  • Then you jx you can fund each and every generation of the 600,000 mostly white men who died to free jx like YOU. And you can fund each and every generation of the 1st Nations who were killed with smallpox and you can fund each and every generation of CHRISTIAN MEN AND WOMEN WHO BUILT THIS NATION FOR UNGRATEFUL SELFISH DEMONIC MORONS LIKE YOU. OUT OF YOUR OWN MONEY. YOU MAY HAVE TO GO BACK TO WORK.......

    • Agreed

    • I have never done that before, Janet...! Yowsa!!  Somebody's gettin' p*ssed off. I have seriously spent too much time in leftie sites like Next Door and Quora. Just told off one of them, too. I get tired of being called a racist when there is nothing about me that is racist. Who cares? I care about manners, literacy. respect, listening, morality. Even posture. What is up with color? Because satan can't figure out anything better. Low hanging fruit as they say. Stupid. And actually, I am doing them a favor by doing the work of learning for them, defining Natural Born Citizenship and all...

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