Know your ENEMY... it isn't the common man on the street, it isn't the Black, Red, Yellow, or Whiteman, it is the political class and their allies that have brought us to this point in time. If there is to be civil war wage it upon your enemies ... not your neighbor or fellow workers... not those who have faithfully worked all their lives to support our Constitution and its Republican form of government.

Separate friend from foe... know your enemy, it is the progressive, pragmatist, and political hack, whose only thought is to feed their own belly and that of their kind. Those evil men and women, who would deceitfully use their neighbor to advance their own cause, whose entire existence has been one of self-promotion.. are the common enemy of the People.  The opportunist, Marxist, pragmatist, Globalist, and professional politicians have sold out America for a seat of power in the New World Order.

Know your enemy and target them for your wrath... not your neighbor or the misguided poor and minority, used by the politically corrupt to usurp the power and consent of the common man. Instead, turn these misguided souls around, and expose the lies of their masters and benefactors for what they are... traitors, broken cisterns, filled with corruption. Encourage the misguided to re-think the path they have chosen and if they will not turn from it... mark them out for the wrath of the righteous judge... who will judge the foolish with their wicked masters.

Know your enemy and mark them well... For they seek anonymity among the people.  They speak with a twisted metaphor, promising what they have no intention of delivering.  These evil men and women seek their own ends and are prepared to reach their goals by any means necessary.  Be not deceived by their feigned service, as they are corrupt and incapable of honorable service to our nation. It is the corrupt pettifogger who seeks to fundamentally transform our heritage, too engage a new world order... whether the people consent or not.

Thomas Jefferson warned: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”  It is the essence of man's struggle, that after suffering many waves of abuse, and patiently enduring the tyrant's whip, they cast off the chains of oppression; taking their rightful place as the sovereigns of their destiny. Know this:  those who oppose the right of the people, to be sovereign are the enemies of liberty. The CONSENT of the People to be governed is the cornerstone of liberty.  It is the tyrant that opposes the sovereignty of the People who must be marked for removal from government power.

Mark well the enemy of the People's sovereignty... for they would soon bring a Nation to heal and a People to chains...

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  • It's worse than we thought... Biden's State Department is now taking sanctuary applications in the Darian Gap... then paying US Airlines to fly the illegals to the US... bypassing the border completely... All at taxpayers' expense.

    Amazingly, US non-governmental charitable institutions are assisting in the dismantling of America's traditional culture and rapidly working to DESTROY our Currency.  Adding to the misery of our nation's poor and middle class... destroying their savings and means of support.  

    Many States and the federal government are giving priority to EMPLOYING illegal aliens... even to the extent of laying off US Citizens to replace them with illegal aliens.  Our Churches, the Red Cross, and other traditional institutions of local charity are lining up for the cash being printed by the truckload... they don't care that these funds are a direct TAX on every dollar in circulation... bankrupting the middle class and poor.

    Know your enemy and it isn't the illegal alien... they are being invited by the current administration to invade our nation... Our government and our traditional charitable organizations are enabling this invasion.  However, the entire system is about to collapse and no one will be secure from the horrible economic events coming... to a neighborhood near you.

    When it all collapses and it will... remember who brought us to this point... justice and retribution must take place ... preferably before the worst of the current government's plans destroy our nation.

  • With the approaching cataclysmic economic crisis, the Great Reset, and the advent of a digital currency on the horizon... we all need to review who our friends are and what political interests are working for the common man... This is especially true as the GOP/RNC continue to reveal their friends are not always our friends.   The GOP/RNC continues to procrastinate over impeachment and has no problem with funding foreign wars or looking the other way while our streets are overrun with indigent illegal aliens and jobless Americans...

    No, the GOP doesn't mind bailing out reckless mega-banks to rich to fail.... or to fund the latest foreign wars and treatments for transexuals, etc... with billions more going to support the third-world indigent illegal alien problem...   No, the GOP finds it convenient and profitable for its major donors to loot the US Treasury and skewer the American Middle Class and poor. It doesn't matter that such excess in government spending has made it necessary to print trillions in fiat currency to fund a mountain of government boondoggles, It escapes their conscience that such reckless spending creates inflationary pressures that are destroying the middle classes' and dollar-vested investments. 

    The wealthy and well-placed continue to acquire real assets at bargain basement rates... while Grandma and the poor are put out of house and home...  while the GOP/RNC spins the rhetoric of the political class. Ignoring the national debt and the size of government... they continue the looting of our treasures and the destruction of the middle class, which are not the mark of friendship between the middle class and the GOP/RNC.  America has been abandoned by its wealthy and the fickle GOP/RNC neither can hide behind the disingenuous rhetoric of the two-faced and double-tongue... they are both clearly at enmity with the poor and middle class

  • It is time to review our list of friends... the coming storm may necessitate calling upon them in a joint effort to stay off the violence it may bring to our streets and homes.

  • No more Mitch McConnell or Chuck Schumer-style politicians... The People must cast off the counterfeit patriot and install citizen patriots in high office.

  • Steve you've got it!! Hit the nail on the head!!

  • This is the enemy!


  • The old adage of “Death by a Thousand Cuts” certainly applies not only to the destruction of America but to the entire world as well. Here are just a few of the points of attack by The New World Order.

    The war in Ukraine
    The artificially created racial tension
    The transgender nonsense
    The covid mandates and lockdowns
    The insistence that all citizens be injected with a poison (also called a vaccine)
    The indoctrination of children in the public school system
    The attack on Christianity
    The banking crisis and the war on cash
    The left’s obsessive attacks on Donald Trump
    The totally unguarded borders
    The obsession with diversity and social justice
    The attack on the rights of parents
    The censorship on free speech
    The never-ending attack on the 2nd amendment
    The weaponizing of all federal agencies
    The total control over the mainstream media
    The release of convicted felons in America’s cities
    The defund the police stupidity

    The Biden regime has picked up right where the Kenyan’s regime left off. Every one of these crises has been carefully manufactured to create as much damage as possible. As quickly as any of these scandals are exposed, a new one is fabricated to replace it. All are handcrafted from 100% pure Washington DC BULLSHIT.
    The mistake that most of us have made is the notion that our government is being run by democrats. The reality is the democrats are owned and operated by a handful of  ‘Elites’ that are convinced their wealth gives them not only the right, but an obligation to take total control of every aspect of life on planet Earth.
    The sooner we realize that America’s greatest threats do NOT come from Russia, China, Iran, etc. but originate in Washington, the sooner we can flush the DC toilet and restore America to the best place in the world to call home. If we wait until these bastards have taken complete control of the food supply, it will be the end of us.
    Anyone that thinks we are going to VOTE these parasites out of office is either ‘Delusional’ or ‘Terminally Naïve’. Our enemies have seized power and they are not about to give it back regardless of how many people vote against them. It’s going to take a lot more than a few ballots to sanitize Washington.

    • Well said Tom... now if we can get a term limits amendment ... one term, 6yrs, with 1/3rd of the Elected and Appointed officials standing for election every 2yrs... we can return our government to the PEOPLE... that we may have government of the people, by the people and for the people.  We must break the back of professional political parties... incumbency, monied interests, and the abuse of power passing as the will of the people.

      Once we have citizen politicians who serve their term (one term) and then return to their communities to live under the laws they passed we will find the budget suddenly balanced and the laws of nature are once more the underpinning of all our law... the Creator's law.  The courts will be purged of activist and corrupt judges. The pettifogger will no longer find a home in the Courts and Lady Justice will once more be blind to special interests and the plutocracy of the elite.

    • Colonel,
      If you have not seen this documentary video, I strongly urge you to watch it. It exposes the incredible hoax that was perpetrated on the entire world and gives a realistic view of what The New World Order has in store for the citizens of planet Earth.

      Covidism Contagious Deception

      Covidism: Contagious Deception – Part 1 - Gaming the Numbers - 2023 Documentary
    • Thanks for the heads up...


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