13276384664?profile=RESIZE_584xA message from Steve. I live about 35 minutes from Los Angeles and go there frequently; I had family living there, friends, and did business in Los Angeles and Los Angeles County. Our family has taken in several of our family members who are now homeless and unemployed. Not only did their homes burn to the ground, but their businesses also succumbed to ashes.

I am mad, hurt, and saddened at the avoidable loss my fellow Californians are suffering, and I fear we have not seen the worst. 

It's simple to play the ‘Blame Game’, but when confronted with unavoidable losses, I can't ignore them.

Here are just a few failures the media are hiding from you, but I assure you they are real. How do I know? Because I have seen the colossal failure with my own eyes and am now dealing with homeless families, victims of negligent management.

Here are a few examples of negligence and outright oblivion to dire consequences.

1. Water Mismanagement

California’s failure to manage water resources effectively has exacerbated its fire crisis. The state refused to invest in infrastructure to capture snow runoff and rain, resulting in precious water flowing into the ocean rather than being stored for fire prevention or agricultural use. Communities became vulnerable during the dry seasons, when the need for water to combat wildfires is greatest.

2. Failure to Build Desalination Plants

Los Angeles failed to follow the example set by Kevin Faulconer, a Republican mayor from 2014 to 2020, in creating a sustainable water source, which is now to turn ocean water into safe drinking water. The City of San Diego incorporates desalinated water into its municipal water supply. The Carlsbad Desalination Plant, located in Carlsbad, California, began operations in December 2015 and is the largest seawater desalination plant in the Western Hemisphere. It produces up to 50 million gallons of fresh drinking water per day!

3. Inadequate Forest Management

There has been a failure to remove forest underbrush, which serves as a dangerous fuel source for wildfires. Despite the clear benefits of controlled burns and proactive vegetation management, progressive-generated bureaucratic red tape and environmental restrictions have hindered these essential practices. Without addressing this critical issue, wildfires will grow in frequency and intensity, evidenced today as you read this article.

4. Ban on timber production.

California’s ban on timber production blocked the thinning of forests and demanded California return the planet to Mother Earth. Their reckless actions contributed to unchecked forest growth. Managed logging plays a crucial role in reducing fire risks by thinning overgrown forests, but the state’s rigid stance has left forests overcrowded and primed for a catastrophic fire.

5. Environmental priorities over human safety

Policies that prioritize owls, fish, and other wildlife over human needs have turned deadly! While protecting endangered species is important, those priorities have come at the expense of essential fire prevention measures, and now it is taking human life and costing America close to a trillion dollars! Lets face it, California politicians believe humans should not be a protected species, therefore We the People are not protected!

6. Misallocation of Billions in Funding

California’s financial resources are vast, yet billions of dollars have been spent on initiatives that are highly questionable projects or just plain disappeared. The state’s homelessness crisis has seen unprecedented funding with nothing to show for it, and as a matter of fact, today there are more homeless people in Los Angeles than before the homeless funding began! 

But it doesn’t stop there. Billions and billions of taxpayer dollars have been poured into sanctuary policies to benefit illegal aliens who broke the law coming here and continue to break the law by staying! Social programs and personal interest projects have consumed precious resources that could have been used for critical fire prevention and response.

7. The High-Speed Rail “Boondoggle”

The $100 billion high-speed rail project, often dubbed the “rail to nowhere,” epitomizes California’s failure with large-scale infrastructure projects. The funds allocated to this delayed and over-budget endeavor could have been better spent on upgrading firefighting equipment, enhancing water storage, or supporting forest management programs.

8. Defunding Public Safety Departments

Defund the Police! Defund the Fire Department! Recent budget slashes to police and fire departments have undermined California’s ability to respond to emergencies, leaving millions of citizens in danger and facing death!

9. Loss of Skilled Labor

California’s high tax rates, among the highest in the nation, have driven skilled labor out of the state. Skilled labor includes qualified police, firemen, E.R. physicians, and a host of necessary jobs! This loss has impacted industries essential to fire prevention and management, such as forestry, construction, and emergency response. The state's ability to address fire risks has significantly diminished without a robust workforce.

10. Misuse of local funds.

Outrageous! Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass redirected $20 million from the city’s fire department budget to support for gay men’s chorus groups. Such allocations came at the expense of public safety.

Final Word: So, Los Angeles and California wanted to go Woke, so this is what we get. Politicians campaigned against toxic males while promoting perverts. They allocated funds to ineffective social projects, through the doors open for Illegal Aliens, and withdrew funds from programs intended to safeguard and assist Californians.

We are currently enduring the consequences of their mistakes! While the innocent suffers, the hierarchy, stuffed with retirement funds and paid vacations, fades into obscurity.

It's time for all of California to have a 'Come to Jesus' moment and transform the government into something that is not only functional but also very red! 

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  • I wouldn't doubt that Newscum paid some or all of the fire mongers for it.

    • “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.”  ― Rahm Emanuel

    • BUT, God takes what satan means for evil and turns it for good. Like a gunshot heard around the world, just like the Revolutionary War, Bullet/s that did no harm, like Col Geo. Washington. Ecc. 1 and 3: What was, is and shall be again. Plus the 7 Mountain Mandate, Steve.—Family. Faith. Education. Business. Arts/Entertainment. Media. Government/Politics/Justice/Courts/Law (all together).

      The mountain of Faith is being judged as we speak. Xposure is falling down like rain if someone knows where to look. Judgement FIRST in the House of the LORD. And it IS.

      Family MEN (real men) are being brought into Trump's administration. The name of God is being brought into Congress. Even .....wait for it...Johnson. Johnson is replacing the House Chaplain with a Pastor (Becky Tirabassi) who calls for Revival, not interdenominationalism.  She calls America a nation "in decline and in trouble." Truth.

      This is Becky Tirabassie, whom Johnson wants: “For those who live in a place where God has been thrown out of schools and courts, we need to bring God back,” Tirabassi, the author of numerous books and a study Bible, said. “So our voting matters, on who will bend their knee and bow their heart to God — that would be my litmus test.”
      And Prophets have and are leading the way, for any who seek to understand the times and seasons.

      Education exposed for it's XXXX sin. So Parents can take back control.

      Media has now been wrestled from the mouth of satan and given to the doctors, researchers, owners of labs, patriots, warriars, Constitutionalists, and seekers of the Republic, etc. The most HUGE throwover is of the mountain of Media—via X, Telegram, Substack, Q, Rumbl. The left is absolutely surrounded by Truth Screamers like all of us in here.

      Arts/Entertainment. Diddy exposed. White Parties exposed. Adrenochrome exposed. Evil ceremonies exposed. Trafficking Xposed. Invasion Xposed. 

      Government: What is coming will be earth changing. This is worldwide. Trump and Team!.  Duda. Orban, Mileil. Putin. Plus the ruling party in the UK got trounced. Plus the ANC in Africa was dumped. Plus Japan dumped it's Liberal Democratic Party. Plus France slapped Macron. Plus Putin in for the 6th time. Plus PM India in for 3rd time. Plus Canada trounced Treudeau, little ds. commie plant is gone. The Truckers started that rebellion during the scamplandemic. We should have done the same thing, or refused to pay homage to the irs, another fraud agency/amendment.
      Plus Xploding truth about agencies NOT serving US, clearly proven they don't give a damn. Plus Xploding Xposure of agencies we pay for REFUSING to do their jobs. They let people DIE. And SUFFER. Like CoVid.
      For that they will pay...Wealth of the wicked stripped from them...

      Plus and in addition, multiple governments are taking a hard look at "pandemic" response. Means they woke up to it's true goal.

      "the year incumbants and parties were punished by voters." Even the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine is now taking a hard look at jxx and it's effects. The bubbling up is everywhere and there is NOTHING they can do to stop it. The trap that 0 set with 0care to force docs under corporate hospital control backfired. Those who could—did. Did their own research and shared that research. Lab after Lab, Doctor after Doctor sayin' that cursed thing is a weapon of mass elimination and depopulation. Truth. God. the gift that keeps on giving turned on its face. The temperature in this country is on HIGH. And around the world.



      2024: The Year Incumbent Governments Lost Power
      2024 has witnessed significant political shifts, with incumbent governments around the world being defeated in elections.
      2024: The Year Incumbent Governments Lost Power
      2024 has witnessed significant political shifts, with incumbent governments around the world being defeated in elections.
  • Folks, Jones is chronicling:

    how this fire has been contrived,

    why it has been contrived, and

    where the Globalists are intending to take it.


    The Smart Cities 2028 plan is already concieved, with a rebuilt Pacific Pallisades as a showcase for the coming Olympics.

    Newscum is spouting off about how he will initiate a Marshall plan to rebuild, as yet to be considered , but already has been.

    This goes as far back beyond the 1992 Rio de Janiero Earth Summit 

    United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Ja...

    to the OEEC of 1948, spawned by the UN.

    The OEEC and the EPU - The first organisations and cooperative vent...

    Much of the Globalist mischief comes from these roots.

    United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-14 June 1992 |…
    • I've been sayin' it, Skep. 

  • https://harvest.org/harvest-relief-fund/?utm_campaign=SoCalRelief&a...------GREG LAURIE seems to be one of the More Sincere Pastors of today.  He is connected to this fund.   Never the less, i would require recipients who sign  to receive help sign promises to attend a series of seminars on "COMMON SENSE POLITICS AND THE COMMUNITY'S WELL BEING.

    Harvest Relief Fund
    Support the Harvest SoCal Fires Relief Fund and make a difference in the lives of those impacted by the recent fires.
    • And Oasis Church, where I go, has contributed close to $120,000.00 to victims of Helene. And I have heard only good things about Greg Laurie. 

  • If you do not vote OUT the demonrats things will NEVER get any better. I hope the people have realized this now!!!


    • While very true, Janet, I have doubts about the indoctrinated Demonrats who fight against anything logical. They're beyond help.

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