main-qimg-0e8c3b64e4690926c27c93a57563c6dc-lq?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Tragic! The old racist claims against the white population has warn thin and lost it’s potency!

Oh NO! The left depended on their racists control words to make whites and conservatives cower in fear, shrinking away from any issue and dropping out of any debate, simply by saying “Racist” and that will do it!

Much to the shock and disappointment the racist jargon, slurs and open attacks are rolling off the backs of whites and conservatives. It appears the over-use of the Left Hate speech has built up an immunity if vast segments of the populations. A bewildering dilemma if the racist term is the best toy in their racist bag of tricks!

“It’s if these white folks got immune to being called ‘racist’, so how we can win the argument?”

The media is making up new kinds of racism to hide the fact racism against black people isn’t working like it use to!  

Did the white folks build a strong immunity against these types of attacks? "They have to come up with this stuff to hide the fact racism against black people has gone down."

A prominent media outlet using memes of black people's reactions "digital blackface" got a lot of negative feedback, a black commentator said “the media is desperately trying to hide a rise the ineffectiveness of race manipulation the Master Race Baiters are at their wits end and desperately making up new forms of anti-black racism.

The left is floating the idea of expanding the race attacks by creating this new form of racism called "digital blackface."

There isn't enough racism, so they're making up new kinds.

"The next thing we'll hear the left will use digital lynching to intimidate whites and conservatives.  Digital lynching is when someone says bad things about Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Stacey Abrams, or Kamala Harris on the Internet. Then there will be digital slavery, which will happen when Trump comes back to Twitter and someone dislikes one of his tweets and label them digital slavery.

But it doesn’t stop there! There will be systemic digital racism, so when Elon Musk bought Twitter and stopped shadow banning conservatives many are now calling this systemic racism in the digital world!

They have to say these things because they are trying to hide the fact anti-black racism has gone down in America.

Anti-black racism has lost it sting and it now considered ‘Old -Hat’.

"So, they are trying to hide the fact racism against black people is getting old and ineffective. Everyone on social media uses funny Memes and jokes (free speech), and they try to hide it by creating: digital black face, digital lynching, digital slavery!

This is how desperate the left is when they lose one of their favorite toys!

What do you think? 

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    • Oh how I wish it could be

    • ADMIN

      Yup, since this is a republic our representatives needs to grow a backbone! 

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