
  • .....and we are still sending money to Gaza!

    • Once more... no  WE... those who oppose supporting our enemies or government violating its laws don't consent to the robbery taking place in our name and within our government..

    • No, we all are not... Congress and the President are sending money to Gaza... along with many other ENEMIES  of the States... Our leaders are committing impeachable offenses on a routines basis... giving aid and comfort ... adhering to our enemies is treason.... impeccable.

    • We ARE the USA


    • You can scream and yell about it! We, you and me personally may not, but the representatives THE PEOPLE. SEND TO DC obviously do! 

      They get sent election after election doing all that is contributing to the downfall of the country......and they still have jobs! So the people who have the power of the vote do support, they make it possible by their vote to send money to Gaza, to the illegals to help them get to our border, we as a country are contributing to all that! We are in fact sawing that branch we're sitting on! 

    • It is crucial to remember that when our government violates the Constitution or statutory law, it does not mean that the people approve or participate in such unlawful conduct. It is like an employee of a business choosing to rob a bank; it does not mean that the business owners approve or participate in the robbery. Unfortunately, our government regularly violates its own laws, leaving the people to suffer. They often voice their concerns, only to be ostracized or even jailed. It is high time that we demand accountability and transparency from our government to ensure that our rights and freedoms are protected, and that the law is being followed by all, including those in power..

    • Not standing is going along!

  • Most certainly, since bribery qualify for impeachment as written in the Constitution, so does/should acts of anarchy committed by President Joe Biden by having stopped ongoing construction that was designed to finally secure the southwest border IAW the Immigration and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986; because it aided and abetted cartel runners to be here in the first place. And Democrat governors and mayors should also be impeached for establishing their jurisdictions as sanctuaries to harbor and coddle illegal immigrants. Because in polar contrast to bribery, those cases of anarchy immediately, directly, and enormously jeopardize the integrity and viability of this nation’s sovereignty, security, and the safety and otherwise welfare of its citizens. For example, a congressman/congresswoman having bribed a County Sherriff to provide him/her with cost-free prison labor to construct a swimming pool on his/her property would not even be a negligible threat to those national attributes, but he/she could be impeached.

    • One can be IMPEACHED FOR MISDEMEANORS... see the US Constitution :

      US Constitution Article II, Section 4:  Impeachment and Removal from Office: Overview | U.S. Constitution A...

      "The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors"...Quote US Constitution.

      Jaywalking is impeachable.  How far have we fallen?  We are a nation of derelicts and malefactors. 

      Impeachment and Removal from Office: Overview
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