
  • Obviously part of the GOP gladly goes tot he slaughter!

  • I've left the GOP, as a Political Party, because we no longer have a two-party choice in Politics. The Right and the Left have merged and become Progressive Left, and Progressive Right. Their main purpose, and reason for being is that they both are in business of self-preservation. Not to service us, the voter, but to squeeze every last penny out of us. The current crop, and those rising up the ranks do nothing but run for election and re-election. 
    'It took five years ( counting his election bid ) of Trump to uncover this. The negative reaction to him, by his own party, was a big enough signal, to me, saying ' buh-bye' to self-serving bureaucraps. 
    'The Jan. 6 Circus will not kill the GOP.ANYONE, with an ounce or one working braincell can see the smear campaign attempt.. If nothing else, at least for the upcoming mid-term elections, D.C. will have quite a few less Liberals to laugh at. Sorry, but if I can help it, I will no longer vote GOP candidates in. 

    • I will vote for any candidate that runs against a RHINO. Most are being vetted by Trump

    • They deserve NOTHING until they purge themselves of the traitors within!

  • I have for a while now refused to donate to the republican party or any of its PAC's. I still donate to individual conservative candidates though. Am I MAGA? Probably.

    My reasoning is simple. If I donate to a group I have no idea to whom that gouup actually supports as proven by republicans groups giving monetary support to the likes of Romney, Collins, etc. and others of their ilk.

    • I agree. Have not given to the RNC for years. They keep asking though. Several times a week.


  • MAGA ....all the way !!

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