Most of America is sitting around expecting and anticipating that others will do the hard work of defending liberty... Many of the wealthy have decided to play both sides of the coin. The traditional source for leadership and resourcing of political reform has been unwilling to commit to the restoration of the Republic.  The captains of liberty and the nation’s leading institutions are attempting to leverage personal advantage from the demise of their neighbor and America’s once great system of free enterprise... They think to capitalize on the situation... They have deluded themselves into believing they can dance with the Devil and win. 

However, as the situation in America becomes critical the moguls of commerce will soon find they are not immune to History... The inevitable purge and stripping away of their power and wealth is at hand. With the advent of recent financial regulations wealth will no longer be easy to move around undetected or concealed. The vaults of the wealthy will be laid bare, open to the hand of the socialists and their communist allies.  

Once, the Marxists seize total power, the affluent will receive betrayal’s reward, and their cries for relief fall on deaf ears.  The wealthy will be among the first, to be loaded on the box cars of social reform, headed for the FEMA Camps (America’s Gulags). The Marxists will not permit their nemesis to organize a counter-revolution… the grand capitalist cabal will be crushed and the WEF broke up.

Check history ... Russia, China, Cuba, Cambodia, and Nicaragua. The Marxist model for revolution and the Fundamental Transformation of Nations is always the same. Destroy the middle class, expand government dependency and those in poverty; take control of the government and then strip the affluent of their power and redistribute their resources based on a new formula for social justice.  A formula that will turn society on end.

First, they will come for the wealthy and political dissident…while most of society watches and exclaims they are not wealthy nor politically active… not I will be their cry.  Next, they will target the Patriots and the people will declare, we are not Patriots. They will ferret out the baker and cake maker, the plumber and carpenter, accountant and retailer, the questionable trouble makers, as the nation stands by watching… as friends and family disappear... and liberty’s door is nailed shut. 

Finally, the sound of the dissident, the cooks and bakers, the dress and candlestick makers, the accountants and wealthy in their high towers all… shall suddenly go silent. Gone, the voice of reason, gone the citadels of freedom, gone from the plains of liberty... everyone. The wealthy who think to barter for a haven, to shelter out of sight, secure and far from the reach of their enemies… gravely error.  There is no security where men are unwilling to organize governments, able and equipped, to resist the many tyrants in this world.

It is often the middle class that risks it all... what little they have... as they assemble in protest...  they leave their jobs to others and open their homes to an uncertain day... With their wages abandoned and family at risk, these dissident Patriots stand to lose it all. 

Is it then too much to expect our wealthy neighbors to dig deep in their pockets to secure our mutual interests and Liberty’s Bell?  What then do the prosperous venture?  A few million of their billions?  Do these men of industry and substance think it equitable, that the middle class is expected to bare the suffrage and weight of liberty's struggle; while, the affluent barter away their brothers and sister's blood, to achieve a better deal, a higher seat in the new world order?  Are these plutocrats not the same men who abandoned the commoner on the field at Falkirk and let run red the blood of their tenant farmers and their sons, upon the plains of history?  Shame be upon their head, let the moth devour their holdings and the worm their purse.

For, these foolish men lay more store in the multitude of their wealth... than in the common good which produced such wealth.  Little do the powerful understand, that when the hammer falls and the doors of liberty are closed, when the middle class lies broken and bankrupt alongside the poor; these mighty captains of industry will no longer have a way to barter a better course; too, reopen the doors of liberty, nor to restore their lands, titles, nobility, and holdings. They will soon find the people do not exist to serve them; instead, they exist because liberty served the common good of all. And, when service to the common good fails, so will liberty and the Republic, from which the wealthy have reaped their treasure and power. 

Why then do the wealthy withhold their support for the common cause of liberty...  for a better course and certain security?  It is the curse of the wicked to believe they are better suited to lead. It is the wicked among us who demand homage from those they see as their subjects… to be used by the wealthy in their struggle to achieve greater substance and power.


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  • See: And Then There Was Silence... a deafening sound that pierces the so...

    And then there was silence... a deafening sound in a land once filled with the cries of liberties giants... A silence that pierces the soul, asks… Why? Why the muted response to those who have torn down the citadels of our liberty…

  • And then there was silence so deafening that humanity was mute as billions disappeared from the Earth 

  • Freedom is not free and liberty comes with a price... our founding fathers understood this, and with their blood pledged their lives, liberty, and fortunes, to the pursuit of freedom.  The patriot has patiently and cautiously waited for the tyrant to relent and the left to see the error of its way, only to give the enemies of liberty the time and resources to forge the chains of our bondage.

    We must now break the same ground our forefathers once plowed... taking liberty's reigns, we must now return to labor in the fallow fields of Freedom... In our misguided patience, we lost our way and must now replant our father's field... that the seeds of liberty may bare fruit once more.  Thinking to eat where they have not sown, many would feed without laboring in freedoms cause.  They would suffer others to tend our father's field. They expect to eat from the bounty of others' sacrifice.

    It will take more than three things... more than talking, more than committees, or the misdirection of deceitful politicians... it will take the courage of the righteous patriot to challenge the nation, to put off the coward's brace, and to take up the sword of liberty... to water our father's fields with the blood of patriots and tyrants.  Freedom is not free.

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