
  • Of course they did, they had to in order to push their false narrative!!!!!  Otherwise their narrative is exposed for the pile of bullshiite it is!!!!!!!!!!

  • They should all be in jail for doing it

  • all an inside job of the FBI & (I truly hate to say it), the CIA.

    follow the story on the (inop) pipe bomb outside the DNC (with Kamala inside) and when the secret service was notified about said "bomb", they finished their lunch before getting out of the car.

    look at the fact that they were able to scrub all cell phone metadata around the time that the hoodie dropped off the "bomb".  (only very powerful entities have the ability to scrub metadata in a specific zone. like the CIA).

    all the training that the war on terror has taught our institutions ..., *sigh*, have now been turned inward; on us.  It's not happenstance that they refer to Trump supporters, or Christian Nationalists as the enemy. 

    this is real.  this is not a test.

  • FACT: The one day of rioting and vandalism at the US Capital Building January 6, 2021, pales in infinite contrast to the magnitude of scope and ongoing rapid demise of this nation’s sovereignty, security, culture, law and order, and citizens’ safety and quality of life; compared to the ongoing damage being done and shall continue to be done by this unprecedented level of illegal immigration crisis created by the Democratic Party's leadership heirchy. There is no legitimate rebuttal to that conclusion.

  • Everyone with a brain knows that Jan 6 was a plant.  We let the radical left destroy Minneapolis, Portland, and Seattle.  Not one person is in jail for destroying millions of dollars of private property and for the death of 25 citizens.  The Jan 6 demonstration killed no one.  It did not cause private property damage.  The only person killed was shot by a capital police officer.  The person was unarmed and died.  She was a USAF veteran.  No damage to the inside of the Capital at all, yet we continue to let the radical, left-wing, socialists and commie Dems run with a true lie.  Chaney is one of those who helped plan the event.  She will never be elected to any office again.  She could not be elected as the dog catcher.

    • Rosanne Boyland was also killed by being beaten to death in the tunnel by capital police. Another man was thrown off a 2nd floor balcony by capital police. I still do not know if he survived. 


      Videos Shed Light on Death of Rosanne Boyland at US Capitol on Jan. 6
  • She was on the front lines to frame him, and through it she exposed herself! 

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