11019895273?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) What could muzzle the left and wake up the right? The answer is very simple, a 3rd voice. Many have stated over the years a third party will cause the Dems and Repubs to unite under on a single issue and this is: Stop The 3rd Party by any means! ย But now something else is brewing, something called: โ€˜NO Labelsโ€™. They are branding themselves not as a party but an alternative or a 3rd voice which both parties hate!

A group Joe Lieberman backs is looking like a third party for the '24 and they may have found something useful.

History. In 2000, Joe Lieberman, a former senator from Connecticut, ran for vice president on the Democratic ticket. He lost Florida by only 537 votes, while Ralph Nader, the Green Party candidate, won more than 97,000 votes there.

Still, the former Democrat who is now an independent went to a meeting last week to back the efforts of the center-ground group โ€˜No Labelsโ€™ to get on the ballot in all 50 states in 2024. The group is said to say its campaign is an "insurance policy" against the two major political parties nominating "unacceptable" candidates.

A Big No Answer. When The Washington Post asked Lieberman if President Joe Biden is unacceptable, he didn't give a clear answer which was a BIG answer in and by itself.

Lieberman said, "No decision has been made on any of these." "But we're putting ourselves in a position. It might be we will take our common-sense, moderate, independent platform to him and the Republican candidate and see which one of them is willing to commit to it. And could lead to, in my opinion, a โ€˜No Labelsโ€™ endorsement."

PANIC HAS SET IN! Alarm bells are going off on both sides about the $70 million โ€˜No Labelsโ€™ ballot campaign. The Democratic Party in Arizona has filed a lawsuit to stop it, and Republican strategists are scrambling to find out what the group might do.

Remember, $70,000,000.00 dollars neither the Dems or Repubs can get their greasy hands on it must just piss them off!

There are also cracks in the organization itself. William Galston, a policy expert at the Brookings Institution who helped start No Labels, said this week he was leaving the group because of its plans to run a candidate against Biden and Trump in 2024.

"I am proud of No Labels' record of bipartisan legislation, and I know its leaders want what is best for the country," he said in a statement. "But I can't back the group's plans to get ready for a possible independent run for president.

In conclusion. Why is a 3rd voice needed in America? Because the 2 party system is looking more like the UniParty and a another voice will force both parties to define who and what they are. The Republicans will be forced to become more conservative so their base will not jump ship while the Democrat Party will embrace Liberalism so their base will stick to them like glue.

Both parties have a lot to lose if the 3rd voice speaks up and very little to gain.

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  • This is an interesting twist of events! Both parties hate the idea this is why I'm starting to like it!ย 

    • ADMIN

      Hey Joela, it could be worse. They could call it the No Pants Party. I would join that in a minute!ย ๐Ÿคฃ

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