
  • Leftist media, leftist politicians, leftist in general.........everything they touch they turn into crap! 💩 

  • 18 U.S. Code § 4
    Misprision of felony is a crime under 18 U.S. Code § 4. The four elements necessary to sustain a conviction for misprision of a felony are: (1) the principal committed and completed the felony alleged; (2) the defendant had knowledge of the fact; (3) the defendant failed to notify the authorities; and (4) the defendant took affirmative steps to conceal the crime of the principal1. Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both2.

  • Another "black face of white supremacy" I suppose because he isn't on the devildemocommiecrat plantation bowing in reverence to satan!!!!!!!!!!


  • The main problem this nation has is a severe lack of morality!!!!!  Politicians lie and the Pravda/Goebbels fake news propagandists just parrot the lies and narrative of their fellow satanists!!!!!  I daily pray asking Almighty God topour the Holy Spirit out on this land to bring a revival of reverence for God and His commandments, you know, the "hate speech" the satanists on the left have such disdain for because morality and honesty destroy their agenda!!!!!!!!!!

    • Bob, I am right there with you praying daily for God (YHWH) to pour out His Holy Spirit upon this nation and bring us to repentance!  Of course, I realize that when God (YHWH) takes an action to correct a country there are going to be dire consequences for that nation; however, without His action we wil be lost as a nation to Satan and become a threat to the rest of the world!

    • Amen... Our Constitution is only suitable for governing a moral and religious people... and not just any religion...It was made by Christians for Christians.

  • That's my LT. Governor!  We would miss him, but I think he would be a great VP pickfor Trump. PS, I don't think he needs a teleprompter either.

    • Ditto 

    • Tim, I agree with you that Mark Robinson would make an excellent Vice President!

  • The US MSM is nothing more than Pravda and Isvestia West... propaganda machines.   Our public airways need to be protected from agents in the MSM seeking to INDOCTRINATE not inform...

    Revoking licenses to use the public airwaves should be considered... wherever excessive and outrageous propaganda is being used to poison the public's views of government and the social order in America.  Public airwaves are not private venues for the indoctrination of the public.

    Public libel and defamation suits ought to be liberalized too include willful LYING on any subject... we need a TRUTH IN BROADCASTING LAW that mandates honest reporting or allows massive lawsuits for bad actors...

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