
  • She was outstanding -- how long before some clown her a race traitor , eventhough race has nothing to do with the issue 

  • Lucretia Hughes, So sorry for your loss. You are amazing and well versed, inteligent, and articulate woman. God bless you and your family.Thank you.


    Lucretia Hughes, 2A Activist, Testifies before Congress: "You are Delusional if You Think MORE Gun…
    Tea Party Command Center is a social network
  • gun control is about control not safety, just as covid mandates are about control not health!!!!!  If gun control Chicago and NYC would be the safest cities in America not the deadliest!!!!!!!!!!  IF criminals are arrested for murder they are out before the cops finish the booking paperwork!!!!!!!!!!

  • Powerful.


    OMG! Gun Activist is BLACK! did the dems allow this to happen? 

    • Did the MSM show her testimony on TV? I seriously doubt it.

  • That is the truth. Without self defence we are slaves and soon dead.

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