Last night while watching Fox News' broadcast of the GOP debate, I switched to ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC and discovered what I suspected, i.e., neither was broadcasting it. However, this morning, lo and behold I discovered they taped the debate, and edited it to show only parts where candidates criticized former President, Donald Trump. It's no wonder this nation has not been this divided since the Civil War.The primary role of media organizations, i.e., newspaper, television, and radio, is to serve as reliable unbiased platforms and liaison entities, whereby politicians articulate to voters their experience, accomplishments, beliefs, values, and proposed policies, and to answer substantive questions posed by journalists and constituents relevant to the position they seek to be elected or reelected.The media is responsible to call attention to the good, bad, and ugly involving politician’s behavior and performance without favor to any political entity. Voting is the cornerstone of democracy, and therefore citizens’ most critical and consequential right, obligation, and responsibility. Therefore, it is ultra-critical for media executives to orchestrate equal reporting/treatment toward all political entities regardless of personal preferences/bias. However, the behavior of media organizations listed above are polar opposite to that statement, and therefore is a major reason why this nation is on the brink of ruin.

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