
  • The rich oligarchy governing America are not satisfied with the blood we and our son's and daugtherss have spilt protecting their assets (asses)... These ungretful oligarchs now expect us to pay off the billions of starving poor in the world, while they gobble up what's left of our teasure and personal wealth. Sen. Marko and his buddies know that these MIGRANTS are gaming the system and that's alright as long as they are insulated from their ire... by raiding the pockets of America's working poor and middle class.

  • Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and all of the 88 means tested welfare programs are UNCONSTITUTIONAL, are the source of the Deep State's Power, and are an abomination before the LORD (YHWH)!  On top of all of this, these programs are rapidly bankrupting the United States of America, and when they do, the US$ will be worthless and everyone will suffer.  God (YHWH) commanded children to care for their parents and for the Church to intervene when necessary.  He never tasked government with taking care of the elderly or anyone else for that matter.  We the People are now reaping what we allowed to be planted!

    • No... EVERYONE WILL NOT SUFFER... the super-wealthy have the means to shield their investments against hyperinflation... they control the inner workings of the world's FINANCES... and can protect most of their wealth through divesting in DOLLAR VESTED assets... and investing in real estate, and commodities whose values rise and fall with inflation and deflation... thus retaining the bulk of their value, thru hedging against inflation and deflation. 

      The Middle Class and Poor are not so empowered or able to diversify their wages and meager assets... they end up funding the market swings and troubled economies ... and often end up defending their economies against the destitute with their sweat and blood... in WARS THEY FIGHT... to defend the assets (asses) of others.

      You'll have to excuse me but I am getting old and tired of witnessing the rape of the average man, woman, and child... Wars and their source are almost always tied to the need for wealth and power by a few... A few, who rarely risk their blood in them.

    • p/s

      Children are to take care of their parents... and parents are to provide for the care of their handicapped or indigent children... not the state.  Welfare or charity starts at home and if necessary ends at the steps of the local Churches.... where reverend pastors are to administer the assets of the church for the greater good of the body of Christ...not a vacation to the Caribbean.

  • Our govt sucks

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