DemCast is a non-profit organization utilizing social media to push left-wing narratives online through tens of thousands of accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Garnering an estimation of over 50 billion impressions since just 2019 — DemCast aims at manipulating public opinion surrounding the topics of COVID, war with Russia, January 6, and even swaying local elections throughout all of the 50 states.
Their employees are a mix of ex-White House staffers, Democrat operatives, journalists, and social activists.
One of their co-content creators, Mindy Schwartz, worked at the White House for the National Security Council. Another one of their employees, Joanne Marie Oyer, works for the Obama Foundation.
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Their bullshiite doesn't impress nor intimidate me one bit!!!!! The devildemocommiecrats and their gop establishment allies like mcconnell, mccarthy, murkowski, collins, mitty the poo, cornyn, cheney, kinzinger, and many others hate God, hate America, and seek to impose tyranny on We the People!!!!!!!!!! I WILL NOT COMPLY!!!!!!!!!!
Lying and fraud are two mainstays of the commiecrat bureaucracy. Most of the seated commiecrats in "Congress" are criminals, frauds and other undesirables.
If the Dems could create the perfect Bot Farm this would be it!
Exactly why I don't use social media, not that it would influence me to buy into their garbage I'm way to conservative for that
Well if it is left wing there is no way it is non-profit!
No means are too low foe the demonrats.....
That's how Lenin did it, but he'd be jealous of technology, reaches most of the useful idiots so easily!
A Democrat concentration camp. They concentrate on all the ways to destroy America and put Marxism into the minds of our kids.