Can you guess who these people were?
They were called by many names, but their deeds shall live in infamy.
They were called: Anonymous Patriots, Freedom Fighters, Disrupters, Rebels, Insurgents, Clandestine Operatives, Mutineers, Insurrectionists, Protestors, Radicals…..
But what did they do?
- planned disruption in secret
- met at clandestine times and places
- worn disguises to change their appearance
- trespassed on to private property
- broke locks and knocked down doors
- stole private property
- destroyed property having no personal gain
- escaped justice and disappeared into the night
- went on to kill the local government leaders and cause untold damage
- changed the course of history and are hated with a passion to this day
Who were they?
The Tea Party and the Founding Fathers. Yes, we are their political desendents!!!
Tea Party leaders disguised as Indians, trespassed, and illegally entered a ship just in from England, broke, entered and stole a cargo of tea, then threw it overboard and disappeared into the night.
Many say these troublemakers went on to write an anti-England Declaration of Independence and then an outrageous insurrectionist document called ‘The Constitution’, but they didn’t stop there!
One of the brazen outlaws became the first notorious and formal leader of the underground resistance, none other than the chief agitator; George Washington, of course also being the number one enemy of the state and branded a trader to the Royal Crown.
Yes, the Tea Party was made of rogues and ruffians, law and order were something they knew nothing of, they wrote their own laws!
Yes, dear friends of the Tea Party, this is our heritage, but of course we are now to sophisticated to fight back in such a barbaric manner….and besides, someone might call us racist!
If war they want then lets give it to them and not look back! The Dems can't win on their merits they have to cheat because we don't want their crap!
Life will not be worth living under communism. I gues it comes down to "Give me liberty or give me death"
How come Antifa and BLM can get away with all this shit and if We the People have a peaceful march we get attacked? Time to take the Lamestream Media OFFLINE!
Exactly... they stopped being journalists long ago and have become active agents of Marxist Propaganda... they are in full rebellion promoting sedition and treason. Criminal incitement to riot or revolution is not protected 1st Amendment Speech.
There should be tens of thousands protesting every day in front of the main broadcasting headquarters of the MSM ... demanding they have their licenses pulled and their corporations sold to new owners... the DOJ and FBI need to arrest their anchors and producers for SEDITION, ESPIONAGE, incitement to riot and co-conspirators in election fraud and insurrection. Most if not all the key employees of the MSM... electronic, cable, broadcast, and print media need to be charged with several crimes... including those listed here.
I am with you on that one, Ronald. The MSM needs to be charges with the cromes they are committing, which will make them shut down. Eventually we will be left with MSM that does not promote sedition and treason, that works for the benefit of president Trump and of the country, that reports the truth.
That's why the Right rarely wins anymore. They're soft, sissified, and fearful. They talk a good game, but when the Call to Action goes out, they hide in Biden's basement. BUT...I am seeing a shift, FINALLY. The Right is getting angry at last. Let's keep that fire burning!
The RIGHT is basically LAW ABIDING and reluctant to engage in what will be labeled unlawful conduct... violent protest, seditious speech, insurrection, and civil war are not something they are likely to engage in. Less than 3% of the Colonials were active agents in our Revolutionary War... with most of our support being clandestine for fear of losing their property and lives to King George... it is not much different today. Our reform movement is late in coming and the government is more likely to label our movement domestic terrorism than constitutional reform.
you need to get about 450 devoted individuals to get elected who can't be bought to get elected to congress. they would renonce all ties to political parties and bring to light lobbyists groups [names and amounts of money].
It takes 1000 like minded, dedicated people working in unison and we can change the entire trajectory of our great nation and pull it back from the abyss............
The times are significantly different today... the tyrant was 3000 miles away and today we have 3000 tyrants 1 mile away. Besides communications and technology have made it nearly impossible to meet in secret or to conduct clandestine operations. Break the laws today and your photo will likely be on someone's security camera... leaving one wide open to government discipline where the government cares to execute it.
Honor and fidelity were highly prized qualities found in many of the early colonial leaders... try to find those qualities in anyone today. Given the decent of our culture into moral depravity, it is no wonder that we have rigged elections and open rebellion in the streets. The patriot movement of today faces a double challenge. One coming from the opposition and their Marxist hordes and the other in finding men of valor and fidelity to participate effectively in the resistance... There just aren't enough quality rouges and ruffians available... the Marxist hired them all and are paying them with our tax monies.
The difference between then and now is that today the United States is a failed state that is run by the deep state, which won't give up its power easily. Back then our founding fathers could built a republic from scratch for their benefit. We don't have that luxury today. Still, all patriots must defend Trump and our republic no matter what.