
  • State's rights under our Constitution are sacrosanct. But a solution would actually be quite simple; stop subsidizing the bloated and ineffective government of the State of California. The people of that state would very soon realize that they will be paying even more for the folly of the Newsom administration and its minions. Lifeguards in Los Angeles are being paid six figure pensions ahd the chief of the LA Water System is being paid a quarter of a million dollars annually. This insanity would stop if the federal government didn't continue to subsidize such madness, and while they are at it, the Congress could balance the federal budget as well, like most of the fiscally responsible States do already.

  • California is out of control.....has been for decades! Californians need to vote better.......votes have consequences, they put scum into important positions! 

  • The beauty of the American Constitutional System of Governance is that each state is sovereign and the citizens of each state have the freedom to decide who will serve them in government and the policies which these elected leaders stand for.  The catch is this... with freedom comes RESPONSIBILITY!!!  If the citizens do not take their freedom to elect government leaders who are focused on doing what is best for their constituants and who, like in the case of California, use their office to push WOKE Environmental and Illegal Immigration Policies, then the constituents who voted for this MUST NOT BE SURPRISED when the government fails them.  The People of the LA Basin are RESPONSIBLE for the Government they have and everything that Government did or failed to do.  Now that the policies have led to a mass disaster, they have no one to blame but themselves.  Anyone who wants the Federal Government to take over and fix the problems of California does not understand the dynamic of FREEDOM COMES WITH RESPONSIBILITY!  P.S.  This is why we must push President Trump and the Republicans to get rid of every single government run welfare program in the United States.  We must reinforce the Principles of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness through Individal Liberty and RESPONSIBILITY!


      California is the world's 5th largest economy. If Newsome isn't fit to run it, then someone needs to shove him out so a decent human being can govern this beautiful state. Citizen's Arrest. Common Law Jury. Someone should take advantage of and organize all those Northern Cal. Farmers, that he screwed over about a decade ago, for some mud tadpole, and cut their water off for, thereby jeapardizing their livelihoods. They could take their vengence and run one of their own.
      I bet they wouldn't have a problem doing it, if someone helped get it going.

      I think a Constitutional Amendment that requires PROOF of understanding of the Constitution, Declaration and our Founding is way past due. Each candidate should also have to have proof of character from 7 sources with documentation. These creeps, peeps and morons, like Newsome—should NOT have even have an opportunity to run, not federally, not state and not local, with moronic intellect, debased mindset and anti-American world views, plus, they should have no sign of operating under hatred or guile or excuse-making.

      Since each candidate must take an Oath to the Constitution, it’s about time they prove it. One try, that’s it. McCarthy era plus some.


  • I'm with  Admin Dee. No. The only ones more inept than California's governing class are the Feds. Cernovich only cites the obvious here. Otherwise, his comments serve to expose him for what he truly is, a typical Hollywood Elitist. The overdue wakeup call for Tinsel Town's upper class came when they themselves got "burned." By contrast, California's long-ignored working class never needed this "wakeup call." They've been smelling the smoke for decades. 

    Admin Dee
    Patriots, MAGA, Tea Party Welcome
  • Whatever they have now is not working so something should be done for sure

    • I agree, Janet. As you said, something should be done, but not by the Feds, for whom there would be a massive conflict of interest in preserving California's toxic Progressive ideology, the root cause of it's worst problems. The passion for real change must rise from the state's frustrated grassroots class, the voters. Sounds like a monumental task, but it's do-able. Remember, 80-million American citizens voted to right the ship in 2024. Californians can and must do the same. In the wake of the fires, mounting revelations of gross ineptitude have served some serious gut punches to Ca's Governor and L.A.'s Mayor. They're both on the ropes, so now's the time to strike. In a state that saw a one-third upturn to "red" in '24, the fight could start with recall elections. Failing that, voters must turn out in droves to fire them in the next election cycle.


    • And the "Workers" of California are the ones on which the future of the state shall rest. They must give great attention to who runs for office and give some strong consideration to RECALL ELECTIONS when indicated. Getting information of who and how so the entire public shall know will be the key.----IMHO

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