11118048276?profile=RESIZE_584x(PatriotHQ) Has the Clinton Crime Family been sharing their dirty tricks with the Biden Crime Family? Seems like witnesses, evidence and memories all seem to disappear into thin air!

How odd!

Washington Blindness - GOP representative: DOJ "turning a blind eye" to missing Biden Crime witness while Rep. Burchett urged House Republicans to defund the FBI.

Biden family business deals have been ignored by FBI and DOJ and why shouldn’t they?

Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., stated over the weekend that a major source in the investigation into the Biden family's alleged bribery plan is missing. This implies Republicans will keep seeking for this vital witness.

R-Tennessee Rep. Tim Burchett stated Monday morning that GOP authorities still couldn't "track down" the critical witness. He told Maria Bartiromo of FOX Business that the FBI and DOJ had "turned a blind eye" to the missing informant and the Biden family's alleged criminality.

A member of the Oversight and Foreign Affairs Committee said on "Mornings with Maria," "It's telling that our FBI and Justice Department have pretty much just turned a blind eye to all of this." "Speaker McCarthy has to have a one-on-one meeting with director Wray about how they've handled and messed up this thing from the start."

"George Santos isn't that big of a deal, but when you have over ten million reasons to look at this White House and what's going on—corruption and influence peddling, for example—they went after him," he remarked. "They issued a report but aren't very open about it." 

"Nine of the ten people we've uncovered who know a lot about Joe and Jill Biden fit into one of three groups, Maria.

  • in court right now,
  • in jail right now, or
  • missing right now,"

Rep. James Comer, R-Kentucky, discusses the House Oversight Committee's findings on the Biden family business and how they affect the president's policy choices.

"So it's very important that the FBI work with us to try to find out what research and investigations they've done, because people want to come forward but are afraid for their lives."

He stated, "They don't give a crap. "We received a flippant response to our concerns about this situation, and it's growing worse.”

He stated, "At the time, Vice President Joe Biden was giving a speech to the people of Romania condemning their lack of morality and crime. "At the same time, his son and his business partners were accepting more than $1 million from a Romanian who was practically being probed for corruption."

The Biden family's "arrogance that is beyond belief" and "easy to follow" money route were condemned by Burchett.

Burchett replied to Bartiromo's question about how House Republicans can compel federal agencies by using their pocketbook power.

"Congress is the country's checkbook," he remarked.

"FBI agents aren't doing this." Arrogance has reached its peak. It's bog. We'll find it because it exists. We'll decrease their money if that's what it takes to get them to the table."

In conclusion. It seems not only are witnesses missing, so is evidence! The Biden Crime Family are no doubt in bed 🤢 with the Clinton Crime Family. If Hunter, Joe or any of the family are not criminally charged then this is rock-solid proof America has already fallen. We the People just didn’t get the memo. 

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