
  • Most of the members in D.C. in both parties need to be investigated for treason, we are now being run by organized crime. 

  • How many Americans understand that obeying an "order" that is patently illegal - is illegal???
    This person who made the statement and illegally "protected" mr biden - NEEDS to be arrested and charged with a felony 1 crime.....

  • This reply was deleted.
    • Are you listening Steve? Sure, I'm listening, reading and working. You are welcome to use your freedom of speech here. Enjoy! 

    • I have no idea why yours aren't posting - I saw this one and decided to let you know I did...
      That said;
      If your comment is really long - that might be a reason, otherwise I have no idea.
      If it's your ISP, then talking to Dee will expose that and you can take a differnet action.
      Write Dee, she's approachable, a decent person.
      She would know.


  • YOU sure published Trumps raid! You are lying corrupt humans

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