Gov. J.B. Pritzker has deployed Illinois National Guard troops to Chicago to prepare for potential election-related civil unrest.
Pritzker was asked about the action during his daily briefing in Chicago on the coronavirus pandemic. He downplayed the move and noted the Guard similarly reported to Chicago earlier this year in case of violence during protests.
He did not say how many troops or what equipment was dispatched. Spokeswoman Jordan Abudayyeh didn’t respond to questions posed after the briefing.
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot did not request assistance. When asked, spokesman Patrick Mullane pointed to a tweet from the city’s Office of Emergency Management and Communications, which said the city did not seek deployment.
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Dem Mayors and Governors have refused to deploy the Guard all these months of rioting, but NOW they want them?
The Bolshevictksl thrived on the riots so why not their adnerents.
Because CIVIL WAR.
I give the Governor credit for instituting precautions to keep people safe. Lightfoot needs tobe thrown out on her ears.
funny how rioting is threatened in devildemocommiecrat run cities and states. They know violence is their only answer to liberty because they can't overcome liberty so resort to violence and threats seeking to intimidate We the People into bowing to tyranny. I bow ONLY TO JESUS!!!!! I WILL NOT fear violence or threats from evil people. I voted for President Trump and every republican on the ballot in my area.
Ditto Bob... I voted straight Republican down the entier ballot... We must throw out every Democrat if possible.
In my state of Penn we were denied the riight to vote a STRAIGHT TICKET. We had to pick each candicate separtated.
Siane, I had the option but marked each one to be sure.
That is illegal. It is the same as telling you how to vote or not to vote
Yes, toss pout the devildemocommiecrats this time and primary out deepp state gop TRAITORS the next time they run because once in the deep state will not leave voluntarily. They seek only personal wealth and power!!!!!