
  • I do NOT want to just "see" some Grand Jury "sitting on this one" - - -I WANT indictments and convictions and then have the pleasure of watching fraudbama and ALL his goonies wriggling and squirming at the end of a short rope.

  • Fettermam should be in indicted because he believes all  street drugs should be  made legal.

  • 10792023253?profile=RESIZE_584x@

  • What does it matter who is indicted; they are all crooks and liars. Here in Penn. we are given the choice between the lesser of two evils.

    • Diane, have you seen some of the commericals between fetterman and  Dr.  Oz? It centeres around how many homes Dr Oz has and that fetterman lives in Pa  and that to the demorats makes fetterman a better canidate. Fetter as LT. Governor as I remember under the Wolf Adm is a B*****D . And the Republicans should also tell the voters how a demorat Governor let all of those nursing homes victims die in their nursing homes during covid ,because he wanted to send them back to their homes instead of letting them stay in the hospital when they had covid.

    • I know all of that you address, Mike. I even remember Wolf giving an exception to his families business during COVID but refused to give one to their competitor. And then we have the legislative law requiring a signed signature on a mail in ballot envelope being ignored and backed up by appointed democrat judges.  

    • Diane, I agree!!!!!  The gop is as corrupt as the devildemocommiecrats!!!!!  With a very few exceptions the gop is complicit in TREASON!!!!!  mcconnell, mccarthy, and their minions should be hanged for their TREASON against the Constitution and We the People, along with every devildemocommiecrat politician and bureaucrat, the
      Pravda/Goebbels fake news propagandists, and the cabal of globalist billionaires who finance the devildemocommiecrats!!!!!!!!!!  Even if indicted nothing will come of it beyond them saying, "shame on you for getting caught"!!!!!!!!!!

    • In their mindset they are not traitors but instead advocates of a One World Government with all its laws and connections to socialism. If  November does not result in a conservative swing in congress, and throw ouit the RINO's especially, I fear out nation, being a constitutional republic, is doomed. 

    • Every once in a while I get a reminder of when the Nazi's marched into Paris and the people on the sidewalks crying for they just lost their country. I see that as a vision of us in time to come.

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