Parents Are Fighting Back - Update

virginia-parents-08.jpg?quality=75&strip=all&w=744&profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) Enough is enough battle is growing and soon parents won’t be the only one fighting to protect our morals and heritage. Soon this outrage will cross all boundaries and either the Patriot movement will win or there could be a very big problem in America.

U.S. parental rights bills are moving. All but three U.S. states have approved or are working on laws protecting parents' right to block gender names and other gender notions in public schools.

On April 18, 200 New Hampshire residents supported parental rights legislation.

The transgender movement's concentration on children and desire to cut their parents out of the process "goes just too far," even for many liberals, according to homosexual Republican state Sen. Dan Innis.

"These bills are being called anti-trans but couldn’t be more wrong.” They help families and kids," said Innis. "Their goal is to put big decisions and life changes where they belong, which is in the family between the parents and the children."

However, teachers’ unions and some LGBT organizations say parental rights bills place kids in "dangerous situations" by making it difficult for gender-confused kids to talk to a trusted adult at school who won't criticize them.

In written testimony against Senate Bill SB 272, Deb Howes, president of the American Federation of Teachers New Hampshire, said, "We want our students to feel safe and welcome at school."

"It's important for their health and maybe even their lives students know they can trust their teachers or school staff, especially if they don't have a trusted adult at home."

The New Hampshire law is one of over 460 "anti-LGBTQ" bills being examined in the US, according to an American Civil Liberties Union interactive map.

220 are for public schools in 47 states, including liberal California.

The majority of proposals are parental rights bills protect a parent's right to access all school curriculum, including sex education or gender-related topics or activities, and the right to ask about or be told about any clubs their children join, as well as any use of gender pronouns or a name different from their parents'.

Only New York, Wyoming, and Nevada have no parental rights or gender-based bills. A Nevada parental rights proposal requiring gender ideology notice was defeated.

In conservative Wyoming, House Speaker Albert Sommers blocked Republican bills. Republicans were shocked. Republicans accused Sommers of giving out to teachers unions. Sommers opposed the proposals because they weakened local school boards.

Illinois was the fourth state without school gender ideology laws on the ACLU map. However, Republican state senators have sponsored a bill to end "dangerous transgender policies" in schools.

Colorado, Vermont, and Connecticut are on the ACLU's map because of proposed measures to ban boys from playing girls' sports in school.

All four of New England's liberal states, excluding Connecticut and Vermont, have parental rights bills on gender identity in schools. Massachusetts—one of the bluest states—is included.

The House GOP initially proposed a federal parental rights bill in March. US first.

Chris Ager, chairman of the New Hampshire Republican Party, which supported the law, told schools are failing because they are undercutting "mom and dad."

"If a minor can't get his or her ear pierced without a parent's permission, how can the schools think they should be able to promote cutting kids without a parent's permission?" he asked.

Westchester County parents recently indicated they didn't know what their school was doing to modify their children's gender identity.

Discussion has united odd groups. Gays Against Groomers and Christian organization Child Parents Right have advocated for parental rights legislation.

Innis feels it's "unintentionally dangerous" for schools to declare they protect children from parents who don't welcome them.

"I don't think teachers want to hurt kids on purpose, but I think they don't understand how vulnerable and confused kids are and unintentionally lead them down the wrong path."





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