
  • Homosexuals, transgenders and all other queers and purveyors of sexual perversion are a serious direct threat to civilized society.  They are anarchists.  We have a guy threatening to shoot anyone trying to stop him from going into a women's restroom.  We have seen transgenders physically assault a female athlete speaking against men competing in women's sporting events.  Anarchists are a direct threat to our national security.  Thus far there seems to be no adverse consequences for the illegal actions of sexual perverts.  That must change.  They must be subject to the rule of law.

  •  There should be no recognition of Gay pride.

  • Homosexuality is an abomination and should not be celebrated ever. What's next? Beastiality? We crossed the line a long time ago in this country.

  • The more they demand, the less they should get.  If they can't behave like responsible adult citizens rather than whiney children; take everything away from them and send them to their rooms.

  • We need to stop having Special Months & Days to celebrate deviant behavior. We only have a Day to Celebrate many honorable causes! These are just more Socialist Activists methods of breaking down our American Society. 

  • There should be absolutely no celebration of homosexuality or any other sexual perversion.  Homosexuality and all other sexual perversions are mental illnesses, and that is the only recognition that should be givien to sexual perversions.   

  •  I agree with Ronald and Ilona.  I'm sick and tired of having it all shoved down my throat. Live and let live.....quit trying to make me turn away from what I know is not right.  Morals are being abanded for the selfish acts of a few.

  • Why give these sexually deviant slugs even one second of our national attention ... I vote we give them a one-way airline ticket to any place other than America.

    This question is framed to elicit support for a deviant and immoral sexual lifestyle... It is like asking the question...  What is better organized crime or random acts of criminal conduct?  This sort of survey is how the left ends up claiming 90% of conservatives support organized crime.

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