In a nationwide address that was delayed from its prime-time Tuesday delivery and ahead of votes in four Ukraine regions to join Russia, on Wednesday morning Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a partial military mobilization, while vowing to use all means necessary to defend Russia and pledged to annex the territories already occupied by Russia, raising the stakes in the seven-month-old conflict.
Calling the moves “urgent, necessary steps to defend the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Russia,” Putin said that Russia is fighting the full might of NATO. The US and its allies, he said, are seeking to “destroy” Russia.
The partial mobilization means that reservists will be drafted into military service, Putin said, starting immediately. The Armed Forces will draw on military reservists only, and those who have completed national service, the president said promising that they will be provided with additional training along with all the benefits due to people involved in active duty.
The measure is "sensible and necessary" under the circumstances, Putin stated, adding that he has already signed an order for the call-up to start immediately.
In his speech, Putin accused Kiev of backing away from peace talks, acting on direct orders from its Western allies. Instead of negotiating, the Ukrainian government has beefed up its military with NATO-trained troops, many of whom are neo-Nazi extremists, he said.
Putin also accused the west of using "nuclear blackmail" against Russia noting that "if its territorial integrity is threatened Russia will definitely use all the means at its disposal." to defend Russian territory. "This is not a bluff."
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Beijing joe has spent his obscurity, in the oval office and when he appears, in public, to speak, he always manages to speak in multi-directional derisive terms, in an attempt to turn multiple factions of our nation against each other - - -as most "dividers" do. This is one of the methods communism uses to set various parts of society against each other. Those of us, posting, on this website, would be better served if we, at least, try to avoid doing the same thing to ourselves. I do believe all of us want the same results for our country; maybe we just need to take a deep breath and think, once, or twice, about the best way to go about it. I could be wrong - -I have been before and, probably, will be again.
The CIA and our intelligence services have been undermining Ukraine and Russia’s soverignty for decades... Ukraine's relationship with Russia, over the past hundred or more years, is not much different than TEXAS has with the United States. Ukraine is not to be confused with the old Soviet Block Nations, which were annexed by Russia immediately after WW2. Ukraine was part of Russia during WW2.
The Russian reserves are being called up...Russia can only train and properly equip a moderate force on short notice. A 300K man call-up is a small portion of the 2.5 million total Russian reserves. Pres. Biden is being foolish and the US would be very pressed to go to war with Russia... given, the saber-ratling coming out of China, N. Korea, and the current invasion of the Republic, by the mass migration along our Southern Border. This invasion is being orchestrated from within both political parties and the Marxist states of- Nicaragua, Cuba, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico.
We need to be very concerned with Putin’s warning and the historic levels of communist and Globalist activity in the nation, These agents of transformation are working for our country. We are at great risk and it is time to demand our Politicians destabilize and remove the disloyal Globalists and Marxists from our government and social institutions of power.
The Russian military is not open to capitulation in the face of NATOs interference. The Russian military will not mess around with restrictive rules of engagement. Partial mobilization is the same as full mobilization less conscription (the draft). It should be noted Russia is probably unable to execute a full mobilization, without serious economic destabilization. Instead, they will apply the full force of their military and reserves to end the Ukraine civil war. If the West or NATO interfere the crisis could escalate into WW3 quickly.
I believe Putin when he claims the West ruined Russia's peace negotiations with Ukraine. And why not, as the CIA and many of our political leaders have been working to destabilize the existing world power structures to bring about a GLOBAL RESET… a new world order.
Finally, any war with Russia could easily go nuclear this is a very dangerous time. The world has sufficient resources to provide cheap energy and all of life's essentials if it were not for a few wealthy power-hungry men. It is time to single these men out and too deal with the underlying problem. A cabal of power-hungry despots, who would see the world destroyed than lose their hold on power.
HELL NO! America doesn't want to destroy Russia! We want to buy it so we can f*ck China!
Questions?....didn't think so.
"Vlad the mad" is mentally unbalanced, I keep hoping someone will remove him from circulation!
As long as the Russian people keep electing him, he is in office leagally. He is a communist, he is a murderer, he stole unknown billions from Russia, he is corrupt, but it's the Russian people who need to take him out.......not anyone else! Putin wants his power and he'll keep it whatever it takes, even if he has to sacrifice the entire country of Ukraine with all her people.
Sometimes, you have to wonder "IF" he was actually elected, or did Russia have the same kind of election "hanky-panky" going on, that we did in 2020. As I recall, there was a lot of discussion about it, at the time. Mentally, he is still KGB and I, seriously believe, he wants to "reunite" the OLD USSR. As far as I am concerned, he IS mentally unbalanced and he IS a "war criminal". I felt the same way when he invaded Crimea, back in 2014, but didn't hear, or read enough about it to know for certain.
The Russian people haven't had the power to elect anyone, ever! They went from the czars to the communist thugs. Putin is everything you assume, and is mentally unbalanced as murdering, brutal thugs are, but not crazy! But be careful, stating the truth about Putin at this site gets you in the line of fire by a few who thing Putin is good......we are bad!
Thanks, Ilona -my hide has thickened over the years; I've been in trouble before and, probably, will be again. Just stating my own "opinions" formed from information I have learned. And, who knows, that information can be right, or wrong, as we all have learned. If anyone doesn't like what I have to say, they can always "ignore" it. If they choose to attack me for posting information , or opinions, so be it - - they just need to know I won't hesitate to "bite back" if necessary.
I wasn't talking to you MR. Fact!
The name of the Hungarian prime is ORBAN, not Orban. I listen to him in Hungarian, and have bit better understanding of what he believes...than you Mr. Fact! He doesn't support Putin anymore than Trump supported the N. Korean nutcase, he stays on good terms so he can keep his people warm!
The conflict in Ukraine is a civil war... Ukraine was a part of the Russian Federation and has been for over 100yrs. Zalenskyy is a CIA-installed puppet... elected in a second round based on claims of a rigged election.
Given the CIA's record for destabilizing and installing governments... one can not be certain whether the first round of elections was rigged or not. What we do know is that such events have been managed byi the CIA and that Ukraine is so corrupt anything is possible. We also know that the Ukraine has a long history of being part of the Russian Empire and USSR... It was not annexed by the USSR after WW2, as it was already part of the USSR.
For God's sake... Nakita Khrushchev was Ukrainian ... Ukraine was part of Russia in WW2, Does anyone pay attention to history?
It appears the CIA is rewriting history ... it is acting more like the KGB every day... not Putin. It appears the crisis in Ukraine was started by the CIA as a ruse to destabilize Russia and to derail the world economy.... setting the stage for the GREAT RESET and the WEF's plutocracy's dream of a new world order.