— il Donaldo Trumpo (@PapiTrumpo) August 22, 2022
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— il Donaldo Trumpo (@PapiTrumpo) August 22, 2022
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All the perps involved in this "international genocide", referred to as "covid", should be arrested, charged with collusion to commit international genocide; once convicted, every one of them should be "Moussolinied" - - do you remember him? In case you don't do a little research and refresh your world history lessons.
Put him in jail
fraudci equals dr. mengele as the Doctor of Death, he has overseen one of the worst events in history. Mengele, Kavorkian, and fraudci are all in the same category, Merchants of Death!!!!! At least Mengele and Kervorkian were honest about their murders whereas fraudci is sitll lying about his complicity in one of the biggest murder schemes in history!!!!! fraudci knows the china virus came from that chicom lab in Wuhan and that he used our tax money to finance it, and likely also to distribute it around the world, killing millions and causing billions in economic losses!!!!! He should br tried, convicted, and executed for crimes against humanity!!!!!!!!!!
They should have been worrying about Nuremberg prosecutions and resulting executions.
The Deep State, consisting of tens of thousands of nameless bureaucrats and "executive agents" are in full control of the U.S. under the guise of "national security". This process has been underway from the Truman administration forward and has grown exponentially with every succeeding administration. The people who ACTUALLY run this government will never be disclosed because its in the "national interest" for the preservation of "the state". The Federal Bureau of Insurgency has been given powers and authority in EVERY aspect of military and civilian life in this United States, and by extention, the entire world stage. To disband this behemoth would be to snuff out government at this point. These powers, along with the political "parties" have displaced the individual and ALL Constitutional rights in an effort to "protect national interests" (Read consolidate their power and authority). The actions of the NIH and its full funding of Bio warfare is only one example of the unlimited power and clandestine operations which take place daily and uninteruptingly in the world.
Ray, I agree, ecvery politician, bureaucrat, and fake news propagandist that participated or covered it up should be execute for crimes against humanity, and for TREASON against the Constitution and We the People!!!!!!!!!!
Can trace back to Teddy Roosevelt and Wilson if one looking at the power grabbing progressive movement. At least Truman won a war even in the face of condemnation for dropping the bombs, which by the way saved the lives of thousands of American soldiers if invasion had occured.
Dr. Death Fauci and Dr. Frankenstein Bill Gates belong on Death row for the Murder of millions around the world for the Greatest Fraud ever pulled off by the Deep State. Then they make Billions off of a Vaccine that is not a Vaccine but rather Experimental Gene therapy that will slowly destroy your immune system. Read a report the other day from the President of Childrens Health Defence Dr. Mary Holland stating that between 5 and 12 million people have died from the COVID Death jab around the world and hundreds of thousands of pregnant women who took the jab lost ther babies. The Globalists Depopulation agenda in full force. These Communist Globalists need to be on death row and for those that allow them to get away wuth this Genocide need to be on Death row with them
John, I agree, it has been a satanic plot to overthrow the Republic and "fundamentally transform" it into the USSA, a 3rd world toilet puppet state of the new world order global dictatorship ruled by the devildemocommiecrats with the help of the gop establishment!!!!!!!!!!