(PatriotHQ) Soon to come to America, Norway (which is over 90% white folks) have declared white paint is racist! Looks like they discovered what the secret white supremacists have been hiding all these years! Busted!
As the depravity of the White Supremist movement is revealed the ugly truth is exposed to the sunlight! Now, is it any wonder why America is so racist. Everything reminds people of; white is right! Just look at these horrible examples of Whiteness reminders:
- White Water
- Streets with white lines
- Milk
- Bread
- Socks
- Underwear
- T-Shirts
- Gloves
- Marble flooring
- Automobiles
- White Lilies
- Dress uniforms
- Wedding Gowns
- And worst of all… (wait for it) the White House!
You knew it was only a matter of time before the color white was exposed as racist!
On the one hand, I feel bad for white paint because it appears to be such an easy target. After all, its job is to make things white. On the other hand white paint makes no excuses, despite the fact it has a severe case of whiteness and spreads it everywhere it goes! OMG!
The University of Bergen in Norway is conducting research to determine whether white paint contributed to white supremacy and made the world whiter. Whiteness is not only a cultural and societal condition associated with skin color, privileges, and systematic exclusion; it manifests itself all around us.
They should have simply asked. It's white paint, so of course it makes the world whiter, but that question is obviously racist!
The Norwegian Research Council, a government agency, is funding the "NorWhite" study for approximately $1.2 million dollars. Associate History Professor Ingrid Halland is leading the project, which aims to investigate the paint's historical significance and origins in Norway.
According to a further explanation of the study: "Whiteness is not only a cultural and societal condition linked to skin color, privileges, and systematic exclusion, but it manifests itself all around us. Despite the fact Norway is not a traditional colonial power, this project will demonstrate how the country has played a global leadership role in establishing white as a superior color. Until now, however, scholars and the general public were unaware of this story."
But Systemic-Whiteness is so engrained into society how can it be removed without permanent psychological damage to the offended snowflakes? (who are portrayed as ‘white snow’)
According to the study, the paint pigment titanium white was developed in Norway, and the project will investigate its development:
Get this, "through historical, aesthetic, and critical" lenses to determine how the development of the color contributed to "social transformation" as well as how the innovation resulted in "planetary consequences. Currently, the Norwegian innovation titanium dioxide (TiO2) can be found in almost every aspect of modern life. The primary research question is, "What cultural and aesthetic changes are caused by titanium white and TiO2 surfaces, and how can both the material and these changes be conceptualized and made visible?"
But wait isn’t’ this just ‘white paint” ? or am I so blinded by racism I am not offended by Systemic-Whiteness anymore? ….am I uncurable? (pray for me)
"The overarching goal of NorWhite is to critically and visually investigate the cultural and aesthetic preconditions of a complex and unexplored part of Norwegian technology and innovation history, according to the project, has made the world whiter."
In conclusion: Everyone knows this madness is coming to America and when it does the paint stores are going to be very busy selling ‘white’ alternative paint to victimized Americans! A massive repainting of America must be launched! Time for sorrowful citizens to repaint their homes, cars, baseballs and skyscrapers with non-offensive colors!
Maybe the color ‘Black’ why? Because it matters and of course the color ‘white’ is offensive!
What do you think?
Mankind was created with EQUAL OPPORTUNITY to excel... men are not all equal. A quick survey of men will demonstrate some men are gifted physically while others are far more intelligent... Mankind is a species of beings that have a variety of physical and mental attributes... they certainly are not equal in the true meaning of the word.
God gives every man the same level of OPPORTUNITY to use his God-given gifts ...Some men use their gifts for good others for lesser purposes... mankind is free to choose how he uses God's gifts. God judges the quality, not the volume of mankind's labor.
The argument that all men are somehow equal... is the argument Karl MARX and other socialists and communists use to demand and justify their claims for EQUITY OF OUTCOME in life. Marx reasoned that if we are all equal in potential, then it is the artificial manipulation of circ/substance, and the environment that unfairly determines the individual's outcome and position in life... He postulates that the individual is merely the product of others (society) and the social order is unfair. Thus force of law and arms (revolution) is justified, as a means to achieve their ends... equity of outcome and social justice.
Now they are calling police dogs racist in California!
True racists are those who constantly view the world thru the prism of COLOR.... they see everything in Black and White... they are bigoted and blind to the true essence of racism.
All men are created equal and there should not be special needs for any race we are Americans and only one flag should we wave no BLM flag should be waving at federal buildings but most of all people burning the America flag should be arrested if they hate America get the hell out of here. I'm tired of this people attacking my country yet they come from Mexico or another country waving their flags if they love their country stay there and fight for their rights
Mankind was created with EQUAL OPPORTUNITY to excel... men are not all equal.
God gives every man the OPPORTUNITY to use his gifts ...Some men use their gifts for good others for lesser purposes... mankind is free to choose how he uses God's gifts. God judges the quality, not the equity in outcome... of mankind's labor.
The argument that all men are somehow equal... is the argument Karl MARX and other socialists and communists use to demand and justify their claims for EQUITY OF OUTCOME in life.
Does this Norwegian panel of researchers have someone who ties their shoelaces for them, in the morning??
So now they have to start wearing shoes! Whats next, pants!
The Dutch solved the shoe dilemma years ago with Klogs... no laces, animal and ECO-friendly feet attire.
When you stop and think about it, the Dutch are, at least, intelligent - - they found a way to keep the sea from drowning them; the Norwegians, not so much.
Yeah, and all those windmills can be used to generate power... and the Klogs can act as water wings should the little guy with his finger in the Dyke retirer.