It is with great sorrow that I look back upon the lost... the soon dead of mankind's belligerence for his brother's life... I have seen it rain fire from the sky ... and the tears of women as they cry for those whose lives barely begun, become a statistic of man's wanton nature for violence and the property of his neighbor.

Where is it all going... this misdirected hate for our brother, our neighbor, and our friends. Millions have given their last breath for the pride of others... for the ignorance of the belligerent and greedy.

What little we have in this temporal home... Yet, we give our all for the trappings of misguided power and the will of those who would barter them away for a penny more... their treasure is measured in the blood of their sons and daughters.

Let us reconsider our purpose in life... liberty, happiness, and the pursuit of our dreams do not come at the end of a barrel... nor do the wings of our bitterness and the powers ot the air purchase us security

Let us repent of our violence and find a better way, the way of peace ... through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Oh, how often I look back... upon the field of man's wrath, upon the cold steel and wanton destruction of Hell's minions. What if we had taken a better course in resolving our complaint? What sorrows could we end and better days begin? With love's banner over us,

Let our faith be true to the better angels of our nature... let us lift the banner of love in our homes, and town squares.

Let us find a way to live together in peace... A way, that bypasses the gates of Hell and the misery of mankind's wanton and reckless conduct... Let us embrace the Wisdom of Ages... God's Word.

Let us beat our weapons into the plow shares of peace... and break again the hardened ground of man's soul... let us plow once more the fallow fields of love ... to plant the seeds of salvation for all mankind.

No man wins at war... death alone takes its reward in such folly... Let our children live in peace... we must reexamine our methods for negotiating a better course... an end to war.

May God move the mountains of adversity... and the scales of justice ... May God remove our blindness and bring us to repentance... too, embrace the Truth, that peace and liberty can only be found by embracing the Word of God and our neighbors... the lost and the wicked, with the love of God. Our faith is firmly planted in the firmament of God's fields... and the fruit of righteousness is found there... not in the desolate fields of the lost.


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  • Never were such words better spoken. Thank you for the post. 

    • Thank you for this venue and your kind words... May the citadels of power read them and repent ... of their wreckless bartering with our children's future.

  • I believe all of us old soldiers feel the same way this gentleman does. God Bless America and God help us all.

    • Thank you Rocky for your comments and God bless you and yours... with peace, prosperity, and good health

  • bump


    • There is a way that seems right to man but the ends thereof are death... Let us forge a better path... one lined with the fruit of love... not the cold steel of our armories.

      For with the cold steel, the bitterness of man is multiplied... hammered and fortified with shards of hate, man in his error takes the life of his neighbor... and the sound of war sooner echos in a nation at war.

      This ought not to be so... For the dead prosper not from the cold of the grave... rather, let us forge the plows of love and till the fields of righteousness...together with our neighbors... sowing the seeds of PLENTY... that no man may suffer lack of any good thing.

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