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  • He will not do his job fire him too as he msybr part of the the swamp. Don't let the door hit him in the ass on the way out.

  • Fire the pretentious snot!!  Then, withhold his Severence $$$ package and SUE HIM out of existence.

    • PS - Insubordination CAN NOT be allowed.

  • I'm sure his days are numbered within the FBI under the Trump Administration!  I know from talking to some of the outstanding employees of the VA that President Trump's email is having the desired effect and most of those who only talked about taking care of Veterans, but did little to actually provide good care are leaving the VA in droves.  The good employees (e.g. Doctors, Nurses, Technicians, etc.) are celebrating the move and look forward to better days ahead for the VA.

  • Isn't that illegal? Hmmmmm shouldn't he be charged with disobedience? 


  • This sounds like Mr. Driscoll needs to be fired or suspended immidately... Why is there any question about the response to his refusal to obey a direct LAWFUL ORDER...Place him on leave of absence WITHOUT PAY until an investigation is completed.

    It's time to get tough... let Driscoll file a lawsuit if he is wrongfully suspended or fired... In the meantime remove him from office... Either fire him or suspend him... Do one or the other, depending on the evidence of wrongdoing and how he handled his refusal to obey what appears to be a lawful order.  There are lawful ways to decline an order from a superior in government without resorting to insubordination or sedition (undermining or defying government authority.)

    Expedite a Grand Jury indictment... for any criminal conduct Driscoll may have taken....  Revoke his Secruity Clearance and that should stop any civil action to reinstate him under civil service rules, pending the outcome of any trial.

    • Agreed

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