
  • The simple existence of a bunch of leftists, pinko communist sympathizing socialists and that bunch of communists, leftists, progressives, and their mainstream media outlets is most probably the biggest lie of about twenty other big lies floating around, since the red scare of the 1920s and the red scare of the 1950s. Everyone knows that only die-hard Republicans are patriots, and trigger happy, neolithic reactionaries. And God forbid if you are not a paranoid, ignorant and neolithic reactionary - you must be one of those progressive commie bastards, subverting our youth with things like education. Using those nasty things called facts to combat those neolithic reactionaries (lying, ignorant, opinions) assertions that make them sound like they were factual (when they aren't). Then it gets complicated. Mainstream media caters to social moderates. Social MODERATES are not commies.

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