Robbing Of The American Soul!

Statue-of-Liberty_Decay-Destroyed_01_800x663.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400x(PatriotHQ) It Wasn’t Just Our Election Which Was Stolen, It Was America’s Soul As Well!

Think this is a joke, keep reading!

Many conservatives already knew for a very long time about the election fraud perpetrated by the  Democrats, but now the theft is ongoing!

The 2020 election was clearly stolen. The evidence is as obvious as the nose on your face! But what is now happening clearly proofs the soul of America was also robbed!

Get this. Millions of mail-in ballots  lack voter identification, safeguards, and signature matches, or ballot harvesting or ballot drop boxes, both of which are actually criminal activities would embarrass even the Biden crime family. But something much bigger is bubbling to the surface!

But it doesn’t stop there! Hundreds of thousands of ballots arriving by van in the middle of the night. Perhaps Republican witnesses were removed while votes were being tabulated. Or counting votes for days following Election Night... until a Democrat is pronounced the victor. It's amusing only Democrats win after days of counting fraudulent ballots, but it’s worst than first thought!

What about the publicly published emails by Elon Musk  prove the FBI and other national security services PAID Twitter to stifle conservative views and alter the news stream.

Government administration itself manipulated the election. It is now a reality, but no one considered the theft continued beyond the election!

The 2020 election was fixed and rigged. Everyone knows it. And Kari Lake's stolen election in 2022 was even worse. The theft of Kari Lake's election in Arizona makes Bonnie & Clyde appear to be a petty shoplifters.

But there has been a bigger theft than just elections and while this alone is terrible what pursued is nothing short of the robbing of the American soul!

Consider this………

Supply chain has been disrupted. Roads, ports, and infrastructure are in a state of disrepair. Trucks are banned from the roadways in states with a blue hue. The prices of groceries are soaring. Egg farms are engulfed in flames. If you can locate them, a dozen eggs costs $10, assuming you can find them. In the past year, almost 100 food plants have burned to the ground. But it doesn’t stop there.

The train derails. The railroad derailment in East Palestine, Ohio may be the largest ecological disaster in U.S. history. Analysts refer to it as "our Chernobyl." There is a toxic mushroom cloud hovering above the agricultural region. Animals are dying. Fish are extinct. The populace is ill. And it has poisoned hundreds of thousands of acres of excellent farmland in the Midwest.

What is occurring with food and farming is also occurring with energy. Under interposer Biden, gas and electricity costs are skyrocketing, there are energy shortages, and our national fuel reserve is depleting. Our administration is desperate to outlaw gas stoves during this time.

US/Mexico border is wide open, and millions of illegal immigrants are flooding in. All of them will require care from birth until death. Through this frontier, drugs enter the country. Fentanyl kills more than 100,000 People annually. It appears someone wants to kill Americans.

Biden's Covid vaccine regulations are causing thousands of "sudden deaths" and heart arrests every day. Consider the headlines. Death rates are at an all-time high. In our lifetimes, more youngsters and young athletes have died suddenly than ever before. Nonetheless, blue states now require Covid vaccinations for school attendance. Moreover, the federal government is building a registry of unvaccinated individuals, and this is just for starters!

The Chinese released balloons to surveil us. Russian military aircraft are circling our borders. Russia has issued a nuclear war threat. China is prepared for an invasion of Taiwan. In Afghanistan, $85 billion worth of military equipment was left behind. The remainder was delivered to Ukraine. Our military is disorganized, short on equipment, plagued by low morale, and unable to recruit.

Biden has built the economy on the principles of equity, social justice, diversity, LGBTQ rights, and climate change. Result? The middle class is being destroyed by massive inflation. The national debt is growing rapidly. Thus is the population of the homeless. Likewise, violent crime and retail theft are on the rise. Cities governed by Democrats resemble zombie-infested war zones.

America the beautiful? Not here! The Super Bowl begins with the Black national anthem, dividing our nation. In nearly 50 Chicago-area schools, there is not a single black student who can perform grade-level math. It appears America’s soul has been stolen!

Conservatives are suspended, prohibited, silenced, or fired because of our political opinions. Freedom of speech is disappearing.

The FBI and Department of Justice persecute PTA parents, conservatives, and Christians, while progressive district attorneys release dangerous criminals. The removal of conservative television stations such as Newsmax and OAN off our airways.

Whether in government, the media, Hollywood, or schools, LGBTQ and transgender ideology now dominates our whole culture. Brainwashing and propaganda are constant.

China has blatantly compromised, corrupted, and taken control of our president. A senator from the Democratic Party has been hospitalized for depression. In addition, the former director of nuclear waste for the Department of Energy is a man who dresses as a woman and is currently indicted for stealing women's bags.

Our nation is an absolute wreck. A husk of its former self, free-falling

This is the deliberate annihilation of America and the great American middle class in less than two years since an illegitimate, corrupt, and mentally disintegrating President assumed office.

The shameful status of our nation is sufficient evidence the election was stolen and America’s soul! The proof is the evil unfolding before our eyes!

A fraudulent election has opened the gates of hell in barely two years. It was all part of a deliberate scheme not just to grab power but to rob the soul of America!

In conclusion: Election theft is a horrible thing but robbing America of its soul is unforgivable and must be exposed and then dealt with in a direct and face-to-face manner! The restoration of the America soul will be painful. We the People must tear it from the filthy hands of Satan and his evil minions! Like it or not it must be done!

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  • Wilson started it and the stupid people who love to be taking care of are growing in numbers! 

  • I know they will never kill my soul but I can't say this for millions of the sheeple!

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