
  • Schmoozer Schumer is just another version of Amnesty Hogg, Teddy Kennedy; may both their souls rot in hell for eternity!!

  • We really need term limits to remove these marxist traitors to return power back to the people. 

    • Did j hear correctly...The SENATE passed the bill that governs RECALL ELECTIONS. And they voted against recalling members of the senate or the house???

  • This is a main cog in there goal to destroy America!!!!!!!!!!

  • Schumer is so evil and corrupt I so wish his voters would give him the boot on his next election

    • mcconnell needs to go also, he is in upchuck's pocket!!!!!!!!!!


  • But SCHUMER would NOT welcome Many of them as neighbors or invite them over as house guests.  This "Senatorial Maggot" has been immune to criticism and opposition for (TOO)-Many years. He has spouted his Leftist "pseudo Liberal Garbage" unchallenged , which only reflects a burgeoning collection of Ignorant, Low information Parasites residing in his jurisdiction to whom he has pandered for so long. The Founding Fathers would be astounded that such a Predator could serve so long in the senate.

    • None of them want to help illegal aliens but to destroy America!!!!!!!!!!



    • AGREE 100%!

  • Finally the scoundgrel blurted out the truth about why they were purposely let into this country in the first place. Now he only have to confess why they were let in, while immigrants processing through our legal immigration system continue waiting after many uears to complete the process, which is to eventually get them to vote the democratic party into dominant power He has now unashamedly and publicly revealed his egregious evil character for all to see.

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