(PatriotHQ) The government has declared war on it’s most evil and cantankerous enemy and has vowed to win at any cost!
Who is this vile and corrupt enemy of the State?
- Communist China’s Child-Slave Empire?
- Russian Murdering Armies?
- Cancer?
- Wuhan Frankenstein Labs?
Sorry not even close.
The government’s worst enemy is …. (wait for it) unfettered Free Enterprise
Yup, you got it right!
The government lusts for control and enslavement of anything which earns a buck and will go to war for absolute and complete victory! Which is, capturing and enslaving the free enterprise system bringing it under their iron fist to do its bidding!
What could be better than turning a free driving cash making enterprise into the slave of the State than enslaving the trucking industry, and oh it will. In the name of the New Green Deal the Federal Government will pulverize the trucking industry nationwide, starting in California!
A backroom deal has been cooked up! California will buddy-up with the Biden Regime to eliminate diesel trucks nationwide.
Get a load of this. The Washington Post reports the Biden administration will adopt California tailpipe pollution limits and ban diesel trucks. The Environmental Protection Agency proposes to grant California "waivers" to implement draconian environmental laws which are far stricter than federal ones and or have been approved by state authorities! OMG
Californians' air quality may explode under the new guidelines.
But what’s the reason for all these harsh actions?
Could it be race?
On behalf of Black and Latina Californians, who are more likely to reside near ports, massive warehouse complexes, and major roads, lobbyists have been pushing regulators to tighten pollution rules on vehicles whose fumes blow through their neighborhoods. Environmentalists requested the same and are delighted!
California and six other states, which together account for 20% of heavy-duty vehicle sales, have agreed to follow California's harsher requirements. The Clean Air Act prevents California and those other states from implementing their plans without an EPA waiver.
Therefore, the Biden Regime will liberally generate waivers, as many as needed!
The unexpected consequences of Big Government micromanaging economic decisions will affect the entire nation.
Medium-to heavy-duty commercial vehicles emit 25% of transportation industry carbon.
The Biden Administration, states, and localities are investing more than ever to electrify fleets to meet decarbonization goals. Commercial EV charging stations and fleets receive Inflation Reduction Act tax incentives. This follows California's diesel truck ban. Diesel Class 4–8 trucks produced before 2010 cannot be driven after January 1.
Ford, Volvo, and General Motors have started marketing medium-to-heavy electric vehicles can run 100 to 300 miles on a charge in response to these policies and market demand.
This change worries trucking experts.
The Truck and Engine Manufacturers Association, which represents over 30 truck and bus firms, told the Post the new restrictions will compel companies to delay buying new vehicles due to the higher expense of manufacturing electronic heavy-duty vehicles. The group claims truckers would drive less fuel-efficient cars longer, harming the environment.
American Trucking Association President and CEO Chris Spear said. "If the reports are genuine, this isn't the United States of California," Spear added. "The state and federal regulators who worked together on this unrealistic patchwork of rules don't know how much it really costs to design, build, manufacture, and run the trucks deliver their groceries, clothes, and other goods, but they will feel the pain when these unrealistic predictions cause huge problems outside of California."
What is not seen is 40 percent of all containerized imports and 30 percent of all exports in the United States flow through Los Angeles and Long Beach and are the largest ports in the United States. The products are then hauled on truck to be hauled across America!
But it doesn’t stop there! Mexico's agricultural exports about $33.2 billion products, mostly agriculture products to the United States of which most of which comes over the US/Mexico border into California and most of the imports into Mexico come from California into Mexico.
Get the picture!?
In conclusion. Once again the Federal Government is trying to capture and enslave free enterprise making the America Worker it’s bitch, but all this is done to Save The Planet and reduce Global Climate Change!
Justified Right?
What do you think?