93709831-14247171-image-a-2_1735913228768.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400xSecret Photos! Here it comes! Let me ask you an honest question: Do you think a bunch of progressive mad scientists cooked up a new mega virus to stop Trump?  Or is this just another conspiracy theory?  What do you think?  Has an underground fabricated a new bio-political weapon to release on the planet so Trump can’t Make America Great Again?

Can you imagine what Trump could have accomplished in his previous term if he didn’t have to fight the Covid virus? This virus, also known as the China Virus, could have been exactly what the enlightened and evolved Progressive cooked up!

Has the left concocted and is now releasing their brand-new bio-political stop-loss weapon?

Get this: A mysterious viral outbreak in China has sparked a frenzy of conjecture about its consequences, reminiscent of the days of COVID-19. Although official data-point to seasonal flu or other recognized viruses as the cause of the issue, lack of openness and shocking striking images have rekindled worries of a possible pandemic.

This developing health catastrophe begs a provocative issue: Will Progressives seize this opportunity to destroy Donald Trump's political comeback?

The situation is truly devastating!

China reports show:

  • overburdened hospitals
  • huge waiting lines in pediatric departments
  • cremation overflow
  • panic, masks and useless injections

Crisis! Local reports blame the problem on influenza or human metapneumovirus (HMPV), a usually mild respiratory infection. In other words, there is nothing to see here, and it will not be coming to America.

…and the cure? ……………(sound of crickets) ……….

Crazy! The timing is really noteworthy. This outbreak reminds me of the early, troublesome days of COVID-19 in late 2019, as the flu season78271585-0-image-a-6_1701081809389.jpg 2024–2025 is now under progress.

Remember this? The COVID-19 epidemic Rahm Emanuel famously said, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste," during an interview with the Wall Street Journal in 2008.

Progressive framing of Trump's crisis management during the 2020 election as chaotic and careless helped highlight vaccine campaigns, lockdowns, and mask rules that became cultural flashpoints, frequently splitting voters along ideological lines.

"Science-Based" Leftists very well could resurrect this story as Trump gets ready for yet another presidential campaign. Whether it intensifies or not, the epidemic in China presents a chance to fan public anxiety, support "science-based" government, and use fake news to show Trump's alleged shortcomings during the first epidemic.

93709999-14247171-image-a-17_1735913395402.jpg   93710003-14247171-image-a-16_1735913395399.jpgDream comes true! The Lame Stream Media will portray Republicans as being anti-science. The frightening approach would probably stress the difference between the actions of the Trump government and the stability promised under Biden's presidency, but America knows Biden failed miserably on the national pandemic front!

How odd! When is the time the new China virus will hit America?

You've guessed it! Interestingly, the newly sentenced felon will take office on January 20! Will the deadly and horrifying new Chinese virus force the cancellation of the inauguration?

Final Word: The ghosts of 2020 still linger in the political sphere. Is this a new biopolitical trick to stymie Trump? 

You and I know what the answer is, don’t we! Yikes!

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  • This is not new... America's borders are wide open to the spread of infectious disease... not only are TREASONOUS Government agents aiding and abetting the dissemination of infectious disease in the USA... agents of our government are willingly assisting the lawlessness... and need to be proecuted for their treason.

    The US Agents of the federal government who remain compliant with the current TREASONOUS policies have a CHOICE TO MAKE.  Either enforce the laws of the US, secure our borders, repel the invasion, or continue to aid and abet the invasion and lawlessness... by engaging in TREASOUS conduct.  Eventually, the public will hold federal agents accountable for their CHOICE to comply with the treasonous policies of their leadership... instead of refusing or quitting their jobs..  One has to ask why they have not gone on strike until the government reforms its policies in SUPPORT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND STATUTORY LAW.

    I blame the Government agents who aid and abet the lawlessness, and invasion they are sworn to stop... it is treason.  Their failure to comply with the Constitution and our Statutory law is no different than the agents of NAZI GERMANY who rounded up the Jews and enforced Nazi doctrine... The excuse I was only following orders is a bogus defense. 

    The Border Patrol is engaging in human trafficking... as they are assisting it through the current enforcement of government police policies that permit the trafficking to exist.  They are aiding its existence... through the current open border policies.

    • Border Patrol have their hands tied. They must follow the rules set forth by Washington. I worked 2 years with border patrol as a volunteer and stood my post day and night at Jacumba station as a Minuteman. https://baesic.net/minutemanproject/patriot-of-the-year/  So to paint Border Patrol is engaging in human trafficking is not accurate. They are victims as well of Biden's treason.

  • Everything is a lie and a damned lie. Fauci the rat snake walks free........NANO being sprayed into our air. Every virus, which, btw, is only a cursed THEORY, like evolution, that cannot be proven. The alternative THEORY, which I put my stakes in, is Exosome theory, othewise known as "God's taking out the trash," otherwise known as the proven immune system, working well. They know this so they have attacked the immune system for decades, lying to the public about the absolute necessity of injecting toxiins, so they can profit off of antibiotics, steroids, cancer treatments, etc., all designed to destroy, piece by piece the immune system. Humans AND animals, they have done it little by little, more and more.

    The entire script of CoVId needs to come out, plenty of strong minds, Doctors, have the proof. When this all explodes in these destroyers of health, in their faces, which I think has to happen, we will begin to have true science, natural healing methods, such as DMSO, etc, med beds, frequency healing—plus a demand for fertile seeds, not sterile aka Gates, a return to true grazing of lands, and a full stop to those cursed chemicals being rained down into our lungs, skin and eyes. I could rant forever on this. Everything has a frequency. God's or satan's. Even the set pitch or tone or frequency of music has been changed to suit satan. I don't know enough about that.

    But this all has to change, and I know nothing compared to some these guys on Substack. They were on it like flies on shit from at least the beginning of the scamdemic, if not before. Some know the patent numbers, some know the trail of tears, including Chapel Hill, some know other parts. Some understand the importance of 5G with the thingS being released and forced into us. The pieces need to come together, and those agencies utterly destroyed, and those bioweapons labs of ours that are on the border of Russia, somehow, have got to be destroyed.

    There are more than ours, and that is the one and only thing that Putin cannot protect the world or Russia from, if NATO blows up just one of those labs from hell. I fully believe that soccer ball he gave Trump had the bio infoweapon in there. My opinion.

    • GREED and the maniacal desire for absolute power are at the heart of it all. The pharmaceutical corps, Medical professionals, clinicians, and businesses are making billions off treating these infectious man-made agents. It isn't for the lack of scientific evidence exposing them... it is the love of money and power that drives men to murder millions.

    • Col. And get this. Dr. Bryan Ardis has now come out and stated unequivocably, that most or all antibiotics affect the eyes, and cause cataracts, glaucoma and other problems. He dug that info out. Also true for chemo drugs. Just look at what they have done. And look at the $$$$$$.

      Dr. Ardis showed one man, who came out after the thing was injected, and stated, "They gave me aids."

    • And I left out that Linen has a healing frequency, which is why it is in the Bible. Buy linen sheets. Rough Linen is a great source. Prophet Robin Bullock is also a musician, he tunes to God's frequency. (444?)
      Grounding, the earth has healing frequency, walk barefoot, lie in untainted grass.
      Plant. Plant. Plant.Weeds are good; burdock, dandelions, mustard greens, are some. Feed your gut's Microbiome through organic, nothing processed. Raw nuts, whole dates. raw milk.

    • Great! Avoid processed food, Eat organic and all natural! 

    • Yes, as much as possible. Flip the food pyramid, also. Short story, true. My Chiro had me go on MaxLiving's Advanced plan. No bread, sweets or fruit for 2 weeks. Hard but not too hard. The first fruit I tasted after that, I thought I had literally DIED and gone to heaven. I had never tasted such incredbly sweet and wonderful Bing cherries. I was in shock. My taste buds had so cleansed themselves that I thought this was something new, a new kind of Bing cherries. Literally, I could not believe the sweetness. I then proceeded to lose 60 lbs. 

    • "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." Genesis 1:29 KJV

    • When it comes to seeds, if you are planning on growing and eating your own produce, be sure to buy "heritage seeds"- - buy and plant NOTHING that has been genetically modefied!!

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