
  •   It's as close to legitimacy as we are going to get. The problem the left has is they were getting everything they wanted before Trumps 3 new justices   our court is now 5-4 depending on Roberts. The left doesn't like that



    If Senator Monkey wants to restore legitimacy then he needs to resign. This will help clean up the Senate. 

  • This is why we need term limits in congress

  • Another Old Dem fossial that should do America a huge favor and RETIRE.

  • The commiecrats culture of death and their cohort Planned Slaughterhood are desperate to overturn decency and freedom before they get ousted in November at the polls.

  • McCarthy was right. We are overun by communists, both in and out of office.

  • Clearly HIS legitimacy should be called into question.

  • Remove all Marxist from our government this is a free nation governor by the people not a dictator 

  • What he means is to have a supreme court that will rule in favor of dictatorship every time instead of upholding the Constitution!!!!!  To the gallows with this TRAITOR!!!!!!!!!!

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