Why is there a blackout in the media when it comes to the massacre of thousands of Christians? The exclusion of mainstream media coverage of an ongoing massacre in Syria is shocking in an era that meticulously scrutinizes human rights violations.
Since December 2024, when the al-Qaeda-affiliated Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) seized control of Damascus with Turkish support, a wave of targeted killings has engulfed Christian and Alawite communities.
Have you heard the reports that claim over 7,000 Christians and Alawites have been slaughtered, their homes burned, and their properties looted? Why not? It’s not your fault; why haven’t the media been reporting this holocaust of Christians?
Why indeed!
Despite the scale and brutality of these atrocities, the silence from global institutions and major news networks is deafening. The lack of condemnation from Western powers raises troubling questions about their selective approach to human rights and justice. Where is the outcry from the civil rights advocates?
Why is this crisis being ignored? The Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch, John X, has been one of the few voices courageously speaking out.
During a sermon on March 9th, he described the horrors faced by Christians and Alawites: “The bloody events taking place on the Syrian coast left many dead and wounded. … In many cities, towns, and villages, their houses were burnt, and their properties have been stolen. The targeted areas were the places of Alawites and Christians.”
The massacres are not isolated incidents. Social media is flooded with graphic videos and images of Christian men, women, and children being shot execution-style. In the Christian-majority “Valley of the Christians,” community leaders and innocent civilians have been found murdered, some hacked to death with machetes, others executed being kidnapped and tortured to death.
A Levantine Christian source told European Conservative, “Right now, the Alawites and Christians in Syria are deathly afraid of speaking to the press.”
Here is an honest question: Where is the United Nations? Why is the UN silent? The UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide defines genocide as acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. The massacres of Christians and Alawites in Syria fit this definition perfectly, but are Christians expendable and not worthy of reporting or putting forth an effort to stop the slaughter?
Despite the clear evidence, Western governments continue to recognize and even financially support Syria’s new jihadist rulers. In January 2025, the European Union pledged a €235 million "humanitarian assistance package" to the new Syrian government. These funds, instead of providing relief to the victims, have effectively bolstered a regime that harbors al-Qaeda and former ISIS operatives.
In other words, the European Union is funding the mass genocide of Christians, the very nations that have been the backbone of Christianity for centuries.
What have you read in the media? SpaceX saves astronauts, President Trump writes more executive orders, and Putin and Ukraine are in the Trump peace talks, but not a word about the vast slaughter of helpless Christians as that tragedy grows. Soon the martyr death count will be in the tens of thousands, and if not stopped, the purge will be in the hundreds of thousands.
The hypocrisy of Western foreign policy is glaring. Ahmed al-Sharaa, the head of the HTS regime, has a long and bloody history with terrorist organizations. He previously led Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda, and was even designated a terrorist by the U.S. State Department in 2013.
Despite this, European diplomats have shaken his hand and pledged financial aid to his regime while ignoring the mass slaughter of Christians and Alawites.
Greek MEP Nikolas Farantouris recently visited Damascus and confirmed the scale of the massacres. Following his visit, he made an urgent plea to European leaders: “Reliable data indicate 7,000 massacres of Christians and Alawites and unprecedented atrocities against civilians. Christian and other communities with a presence in these parts for over a thousand years are at risk of extinction.”
Former Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras also condemned the neo-Ottoman-inspired massacres, calling out Europe’s hypocrisy in supporting an Islamist regime that allows the slaughter of religious minorities.
“The EU and the West ought to know that when you substitute evil with evil, then you inevitably lead to massacres of thousands of civilians and scenes of barbarism that humanity cannot bear in the 21st century.”
Where is the outrage? Why is the Vatican strangely silent? These martyrs are not just Protestants, but also Catholics, Orthodox, and all brands of those people who profess a belief in Jesus.
The silence of the media and international institutions is not just complicity—it is an endorsement of genocide. Christians, Alawites, and other minorities in Syria are facing extinction, yet the West continues to turn a blind eye.
Final Word: At the end of the day, most of the world is still trying to kill Jesus, and they keep failing. What did Jesus ever do to them?
I was asked to write something. This is it. It is a Prophetic word.
For those who profess the Christian faith, and for those who do not. This is a worldwide time of shaking---a time of shaking in which everything that can be shaken, will be shaken. Every foundation shall be rocked. Every belief or unbelief will be tested, tried, burned in spiritual fire. It is the time of Daniel's Uncut Stone coming to destroy the systems [plural] of Babylon. It is the time of the Fiery furnace in that it will look like war but will not be. That is from Prophet Kim Clement from around 2016. It has to do with Trump, even in Kim's prophesies from back then,..."He shall be My Trumpet..."
Those who fail not---shall come forth as fine ore, gold and silver. For them, this is a time for promotion. This is the time for the testing and trying of both evil and good. This may be news for passive Christians...IDK, but this is what He does. Ask me...
His word says, The nations are "weighed as in a bucket.."
The timing is not knowable. It is God's timing.
For those who think Christianity is a softie, cushy thing and Jesus is a milque-toast simpleton, get out of that foolishness and ignorance and arise and shine for HIS Glory will come upon those who are tried by fire.
Will YOU pray for persecuted Christians? Will YOU Command an end to evil? [Job.22:28] Out loud with your own voice? With the voice of His Pride of Lions?
Time. Test. Trial. Training, Tribulation, TRIUMPH!
Note the order...ask me...
He has given US Trump. He has appointed, raised up, called, anointed, protected..TRUMP.
If He is at war and TRUMP is at war, then shouldn't WE be at war. Pray for these people. Hard and Harder. Loud and Louder.
He is now the Lion. The nation's are His and the fulness thereof, is in some time period, about to come true. This just stated--aligns with Prophets and with scripture as prophets stands always upon what was, is and shall be again. [Ecc.1, 3] It aligns with Daniel. Isa. Mica. Hab. I Enoch.
1 Enoch. In those days the righteous shall be on the earth when all the evil is removed. btw. Jesus always judges while we are on the earth.
Isaiah 60. Arise and shine for your light...
Habbukkuk 2:14. Glory of the Lord...
Daniel 7:21,22. Judgement made in favor of the saints....
Micah 1:4. Mountains shaken under him... Ref. to the 7 Biblical mountains of culture.
Beware: The testing includes each one who processes His Name. This includes "Pass/Fail with possible promotion test.
I am not saying this is, some condensed period of time. I DNK. My advice is to begin to see the Natural through Spiritual eyes of Revelation.
And for any who think this is out of line in a political forum, in the 7 mountains of culture the Mountain of Government is right under the Mountain of the Lord. He is our King, our Judge and our Lawgiver. Our Liberty Bell cites Leviticus 25:10, " Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land."
"What was, is and shall be again." Ecc. 1 and 3.
Where is the outrage... Hell hath no fury greater than its HATE for Christ and His Church.. The world is at enmity with God. The enemies of God hold captive the unredeemed as their reprisal for God's Love of mankind.
No greater LOVE hath one than they should lay their life down for another...This mystery... that God should die for His own creation has enraged hell. The Fallen Angels and Lucifer wonder in awe at the relationship God has with His Church... the believer.
The powers of Darkness are infuriated at this relationship and have rebelled over God's elevation of mankind over them... as heirs and joint heirs with Christ the only begottten Son of God..
This is satanic
Don't hate me! But guess who took our information and rewrote it! Yup: https://www.cnn.com/2025/03/17/middleeast/syria-massacre-alawite-mi...
The greatest compliment one can give another is to imitate them...
10/4 Roger that!
This is horrible! I hope that they are able to escape to Iraq as she suggests. The UN is nothing more that a bunch of Communists! Thank God this news organization is reporting on it.
This is the #1 article https://canadafreepress.com/article/silent-genocide-thousands-of-ch... thousands will read your comments! Looks like https://www.christianitytoday.com/ will rewrite it's it's article and include our content! New articles are coming out in denial of this genocide but what about the eye witnesses, how they be dismissed?
Awesome, Steve!!