A mere week after a gunman tried to kill more than two dozen Republican senators, House members and staffers on an Alexandria baseball complex, FBI supervisors spoke to the press to deliver their verdicts.
James T. Hodgkinson’s gust of 70 rifle and handgun rounds, while positioned like a sniper behind the third base dugout and then on the move, was not terrorism, nor was it planned, they said at the June 21, 2017, briefing.
“At this point in the investigation, it appears more spontaneous,” said Timothy Slater, FBI special agent in charge of the Washington field office, in what proved to be the bureau’s public accounting.
By November, the FBI was ready to brief privately the more than a dozen Republicans who had gathered at sunrise that June 14 for the final practice before the annual congressional charity baseball game versus Democrats at Nationals Park.
The bottom line stunned the Hodgkinson-targeted lawmakers assembled in the U.S. Capitol visitors center.
Mr. Hodgkinson was committing “suicide by cop,” the FBI briefer said. In essence, the bureau had relegated the near-mass killings aimed at Washington’s legislative branch to a self-centered personal decision by a leftist activist from Illinois.
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Ever since Obama this country has gone downhill. I believe then, and I still believe that he has no good in him. I also truly believe he was born in Kenya. This is why I blame everything on him and still believe that he is still in control. He is the epitome of scum!!
Jim, You're right. Obama's lies, broken promises, and condescending rhetoric towards citizens who complained about his policies, set the tone for systemic unscrupulous behavior existing throughout the Democratic Party's leadership heirchy today. As this nation's first president of color, he squandered the ultimate platform and opportunity to unite this nation more so than any in my 88-year lifetime.
Clean them out
IMHO the moment we got fraudbama out of the White House, there should have been a thorough "house cleaning" of ALL the alphabet agencies, from top to bottom and the need is even more apparent today.
The current admin of "ALL" investagory agencies, not only the FBI, need a "thourogh" house cleaning. While all this "infestation has been promoted since and with the Obama regime,it is safe to asume the first three layers of each organization needs to be scrubed. All members of each agency need their voting record exposed for review and evidence of loyalty to oath. To bad the "Firing Squad" is NO longer the only punishment for "traitors"!
I would go even further - I think all government agecnies need a house cleaning.
Replace everyone on the 7th floor of the FBI. That's where all of the corruption is!
Bill Barr, the Attorney General, secretly and illegally searched through everything Rudy Guiliani, President Trump's personal attorney, had on his "cloud". TOTALLY WRONG!!!
All the gov agencies are totally corrupt
It should be clear that the FBI and most Federal LEO's and their agencies need massive reforms... that the senior management must be replaced using individuals from outside the corrupt system now operating as our Law Enforcement agencies. The DOJ needs all of its senior leaders replaced with carefully screened replacements from OUTSIDE THE DOJ. The Judicial system needs to be thoroughly examined for corruption and the JUDGES... every one of them... needs to be replaced with qualified citizens, from outside the circle of US Attorneys and counsels that regularly practice before the Federal Bar.
The Federal Judiciary Act needs to be rewritten to clearly limit the jurisdiction of the Courts to the case in law before the Court... No more 'Stare Decisis' or legislation by Judicial fiat. The Court's judgments must only apply to the case before the Court. All of the Courts orders and findings must apply only to the case before it and no further. Let Congress decide if the law needs to be revised or struck down ... not the Court. Expand the SCOTUS by creating 3 Divisions... a CRIMINAL, CIVIL, and SOVEREIGN Division, each Division served by 3 Justices, per court, with as many courts as Congress finds necessary to expedite justice.
Redefine and reauthorize the Federal District Courts ... Dissolve all the existing District and Appellate Courts, removing all the sitting justices, subject to new appointments. Establish a term limit of 6 yrs maximum for each level of the Federal Judicial System (District, Appellate, and SCOTUS. Establish clear limits on the Court's jurisdiction and affirm the limits placed on federal authority by the Constitution. Require JURY TRIALS for all felonies as Constitutionally mandated, no more trial by judge. Ensure, that the Jury has the power and authority to decide both the facts and the application of the law in all cases before the Court. It is time to return the arbitration of the law to JURIES and to remove the authority of Judges to use the judicial system to shape the Nation's social and government order.
Ronald, you're absolutely right about everything that need to be done. Unfortunately, until enough patriots are rallied to vote the current bunch of crooks out of office; the ruination of this nation shall continue beyond the point of saving. That's especially true, if procedures are not put in place prior to the 2022 midterm elections to prevent a recurrence of the widespread voter fraud that propelled them into power during the 2020 election.