The voting age should be 18! The same age for both men & women to be inducted in to the military for two years to learn the basics and also learn a related civil trade. That would also get them away from mama, learn what being a citizen of our country stands for and get them away from the altra-left collage professors. Their two year stint in the military would also help pay for further collage education with a grant for an honorable discharge. At 20 years old, they would be far more likely to seriously become a good student and a good citizen of the U.S.instead of a left wing-nut domestic terrorist!! BTW, NO WOMEN IN COMBAT!
Mike Smith > Cameron StapelNovember 20, 2022 at 3:10pm
I don't want to be in combat either ,but if war does break out we need all of the aids that we can muster. US NAVY Honorable Discharge. ,BTW Isreal does it and has no probem with it.
She's a fool!! The Republicans want the legal age, the Democrats want 16 year olds to vote, guess why🤪🤪. Our founders wanted the age to be 21, which was the age to legally buy property NOT 18!
This post has been in here for 2 weeks, enough already!
Mz Hostin is full of shit! ...but what would be her motive? Another issue the Dems can use to wedge out the Repubs for 2024.
The voting age should be 18! The same age for both men & women to be inducted in to the military for two years to learn the basics and also learn a related civil trade. That would also get them away from mama, learn what being a citizen of our country stands for and get them away from the altra-left collage professors. Their two year stint in the military would also help pay for further collage education with a grant for an honorable discharge. At 20 years old, they would be far more likely to seriously become a good student and a good citizen of the U.S.instead of a left wing-nut domestic terrorist!! BTW, NO WOMEN IN COMBAT!
I don't want to be in combat either ,but if war does break out we need all of the aids that we can muster. US NAVY Honorable Discharge. ,BTW Isreal does it and has no probem with it.
Been there, most people have no idea.
She's a fool!! The Republicans want the legal age, the Democrats want 16 year olds to vote, guess why🤪🤪. Our founders wanted the age to be 21, which was the age to legally buy property NOT 18!