In my opinion;
The cause of all our current societal troubles, and the disrespect for traditional values such as love of God, Morality, Honesty, Integrity, Truth, Justice, Self Respect, etc. stems back to when Justice Earl Warren became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and took God out of the schools. It's true Warren presided over the necessary abolishment of many embedded discrimination policies prevalent in America, I have to aknowledge those accomplishments. They were policies which never should have happened in the first place, and should have stopped with the end of the Civil War.
However, Warren pursued the liberal policies way too far, and was the architect of the continuing reversal of those original policies to what we are seeing today. The modern day liberals are taking the discrimination to the opposite extremes. They have switched the concepts of good for evil and have set the laws and promoted the switch as somehow compassionate and correct in the minds of our young.
The most important case paveing the way for atheistic Liberals to defecate on traditional American morality, was the O'Hare Separation of Church and State case used to ban religion from schools. That took religion out of the public schools and institutes of higher learning, and implied it was forbidden to talk about God in School/University except as a mythological concept. That was the start of Atheistic Humanism, and Humanism was the start of the Feckless Hedonist Society tearing everything apart today.
As you can see, they mis-applied wording of the Bill of Rights stating "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of Religion". Warren and his other overzealous justices overlooked the word establishment in that passage to mean freedom from religion, instead of it's intended meaning. freedom of religion. Ever since that perverse and unprincipled ruling, certain factions has used it as an end all be all basis to do anything they desired without consequences to themselves but able to use it against others. In short they took away free choice.
The Liberals have been conditioned to believe;
They're more intelligent and smarter than the American public.
They have the authority and destiny to control other peoples behavior.
They believe they are the annointed ones to control peoples ability to choose what they want. They have the inherent right to fundamentally change the destiny of America and the world.
If there is a better set of reasons for America to reject the liberal philosophy and go back to God keeping his Commandments, I have not heard them yet!
Doing so, would put us back on the road to successfully freeing mankind from servitude, and creating a rich and beneficial society for all. The basic principle of Hedonistic Humanism is greed.
Greed fits perfectly with the excesses that are used exploit people, so others who are the most greedy, can feed their insatiable desires, at the expense of those others.
Any comments? Any suggestions?
Our Founding Fathers did not create a government separate from God's precepts for government and life... They fully and wholeheartedly embraced God's word as the core element in their lives and government... we have not.
God has said, return unto Me and I will return unto thee... and you shall be My People and I shall be your God. If America wants to be GREAT AGAIN it must reinstall God's standards for its institutions and social order. America has not returned unto God... to date America refuses to fully embrace the Godly order of our Founders.
America is lost in a sea of distress and will soon find itself shipwrecked if it fails to respond to God's call and His prophet's warnings.
The answer is simple: Proverbs 14:12 - There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Amen, Steve.
I have thought about this. This is pertaining to Trump's first court challenge by the 9th Circuit. It could be a prototype of a sort to work from.
I do believe that Trump needs someone who can teach him and write it for him, both a Cliff-notes version and an adjective-driven version, so he can begin a kind of Roosevelt's Fireside Chats, to continue for some period of time, Addresses to the American people. To unify America, to teach her the way back.
He needs to find and apply the tone,the pace and the sequencing for these teachings. He needs to teach our history, not in a long drawn out way, but a slow-ish and comfortable way that people, whether left or right, young and old, will tune in for the year or more, that it would take to do this right—and to do it kindly, fatherly, patiently and then when spankings are due, then do them.
It would be a perfect Xtra-Credit option for good teachers to offer or to require listening to, and then to write a paper on the topic or lead a debate or other such educational method. Good beginning of restructuring the mountain of education.
And of course the BAR Agents and Judges would tune in so they could prep for the return attack. Could be fun. Use them as bait, to get the American people to tune in of one accord and listen and learn.
Use them as tools and bait. Hook in the jaw. Good stuff.
We have also lost the beautiful complexity of our language, and so, he needs to set that straight as well, all throughout each and every teaching. In this case, the terminology of Migrants and Immigrants must be taught. Explain the thing..Definitions matter.
Here is an example, from when I 1st wrote him in his first term. I didn't get it all in there, either, at that time.
His tone should have been a completely different tone from the soft approach that he did then. Confidence should have stood higher. He was completely in the right with his E.O.
What should have been done is the kicking of some delusions down the alley. And rythm does help as does repetition. It helps learning.
I 1st wrote him after he wrote his first E.O. on keeping certain groups of (muslim) people out of the country for an undefined length of time.
The 9th Circuit melted down, and attacked him brutally and publicly. So they chose the arena, Publicly. Yay. Bait. Sweet revenge should have happened.
He responded but not in a complete way and not in a brutally (soft brutally..) enough way to set them on edge—on purpose. He needed to break and destroy delusions of grandeur on the court's part, but not only about courts in general but specifically also targeted to SCOTUS. It was a golden opportunity for a two-fer. It didn't happen.
1. National Address/es to the Courts and to the People. Prototype.
a.. Destroy the Delusions about the Courts.
b. He should have read Art. III to the country, to the judges, to the BAR Agents. ooops. British Accreditation Registry. Hmm, maybe he goes there, too. (FARA). Golden...He should have included the types of cases they are ALLOWED to hear.
c. Destroy Lifetime Tenure. It ain't there. Golden....
d. Note. What IS there, is this—they are required to opine with "Good Behaviour" and "UNDER" the U.S. Constitution.
e. Then, since they aren't so good at definitions yet, then define "Good Behaviour." As Webster's 1828 Online Dictionary would define it. Or from writings by our founders and framers. That would work as a
two-fer. Slow pace on this.
f. Conclude what he said by saying it again. Just like my Master's Program. Say what you're going to say. Then say it. Then say you said it. Brilliant!! and it helps people to remember it.
2. People need to actually read. Real words. For accuracy, jurisdiction and authority. Once he kindly, gently, did that, Now, Part 2.
a. Read the pertinent parts of the 1952 McCarren-Walter Immigration Act.
Define Illegal, Alien. Define Citizen. Define Natural Born Citizen while your'e at it.
Define and explain the Immigration process briefly and how Congress does it by writing it, arguing it, passing it, and passing it on to the POTUS to sign or not sign.
This is Hammer Down #1 but they don't know it yet. softly, kind of Golden.
3. Third, BRUTALLY read the part where they, Congress— ABDICATED their Authority and Jurisdiction and gave POTUS the RIGHT, the AUTHORITY and the JURISDICTION to keep out any group of people for any reason and for any length of time—as written in McCarren-Walter, by Congress, and signed by the POTUS. This is the real hammer down, Hammer Down #2. Much louder.
4. Conclude the matter by saying what he said and say it again, fluently, with correct definitions inserted. He could follow with a slap. My 4th grade teacher, taught "good behaviour" through acronyms.
MYOB meant "Mind your own business." He could conclude, in saying that he said it, "I read Art.III to you..etc., etc., I read McCaren-Walter to you. I read to you how Congress abdicated some of their authority to POTUS and I am POTUS. See? It's none of your businesss." Quote, Trump. Now, maybe that goes too far but I don't know.... Only slight changes but that's the idea.
Utter humilation was due the 9th circuit. They demeaned him on the world stage. I am sure there will be more golden opportunities and/or maybe he can create them......
He MISSED the opportunity to take down Goliath. Our David had the stone, but faltered. Is there NOT a just cause?!! If the cause is just—Let her rip...!
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people”
To defend something one must first know what that something is... Our Elected Officials have a very limited understanding of the US Constitution and many of them see it only as an obstacle to be overcome... outdated and obsolescent. Few are interested in defending it, even fewer understand the oath they took to defend it.
However, the principles and precepts contained in our Constitution are timeless maxims... for the establishment of sound government and social justice. Our Constitution was inspired by more than the will of men. It is the fruit of our Christian Fathers, whose very being lived and breathed the essence of God's Word. Those godly men knew what laws and ethics ... what checks and balances ... were needed to restrain the excesses of man. They understood what was needed to create sound and lasting Godly government. Our Constitution is no ordinary document it is the inspired word of God handed down to our forefathers for the purpose of creating one nation under God... with liberty and justice for all.
America is more than the sum of mankind's best... it is God's gift to a faithful people, and the promise of hope to an oppressed world. It established a new world order, in a new world... based on the promise that all men were created equal in the eyes of their creator. However, the current generation has forgotten the source of our liberty, and blinded to the God of their forefathers... this generation has rejected God and with Him the precepts that guarantee liberty.
To defend our constitution one must first believe in its source and its tenants... “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people” It, therefore, takes a moral and religious people to defend it. Wonder no longer as to the reason our elected officials fail to comprehend their oath of office or embody the will to defend it against all enemies... foreign and DOMESTIC. They have forgotten who they are and where they came from.
Update follows:
"A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague." Quote: Marcus Tullius Cicero
Beautiful, Col.That is who we were. We must return.
This is a prototype address to the nation that could continue for as long as needed. In actual messages to the people pertaining to what you are saying, he could define world views, cover examples in history. This is what I have thought about, as a prototype, based upon that moment with that 1st E.O. Please feel free to alter or discuss. The application you are speaking of would be to apply the Moral Law as contrasted to the world views of communism, marxism, atheism, humanism, etc., World views make a country unified or victimized. Government must provide the covering for moral behaviour, standards, legislation and execution of the ideas in all 7 mountains of family, faith, education, arts and entertainment, media, business/economy, government/law/courts/justice/true equity.
Excellent concept... Someone needs to get JEA9's post in front of the President...
I thank you for that. Know anybody?
No suggestions, this is good enough