The destruction of the American dream… is not to be found in the devices of political parties; it is found in the turning away from our moral compass… God’s Word. Where God is the arbiter of morality, the concepts of Government are established in righteousness and precepts that serve the greatest good. However, the natural will of man seeks to be free… from such moral restraints.
Free from the moral bounds of a righteous God… man soon abandons the judgments of the righteous to embrace whatever is expedient, to appease his natural desires. Eve took the fruit of the ‘Tree of Knowledge’ because the fruit thereof appeared to be good and offered powers that she previously could not embrace. She sought to become a god, as God. How far has Eve come since that troubled day long ago?
Today, the Government stands in the place of the Church… providing moral and social order based upon its sole judgment as to the ‘material and social' interactions among mankind. As such, our government has abandoned its moral underpinnings, leaving our Nation to be ruled by the arbitrary devices and decrees of men. This would not have happened if the Church had retained its standards; teachings, and the ENFORCEMENT of God's precepts for a moral society, life, liberty, and happiness.
The Church's failure to reign in the unrighteous… has poisoned the social order in America; resulting, in the present status found in our Government institutions. The Government is a mere reflection of the people’s will or lack thereof to restrain the Government. For evil to prosper, good men need only do nothing… The Church is doing little or nothing to restrain evil… First, among its local congregations and membership, and finally, among the leadership found in the halls of government. When was the last time one heard of a member being separated from the body of Christ for their immoral acts? (Read 1Cor 5: 1-13) This practice happened regularly in the Church of my youth… but then, we also had a Godly Government, and prayer was allowed in the public forum.
Today, one takes because they can… Commerce goes unregulated by the moral precepts of equity, a just weight and scale have been abandoned in the marketplace. Justice suffers at the hands of those who view morality through the lens of relativism; it is obscured by the fog of amoral equivalency. Nearly, every evil work has equal standing before men. The concept that mankind is freest when allowed to pursue their every thought and imagination, is erroneous and leads to wholesale lasciviousness and debauchery. The righteous judge has disappeared from the land.
We are warned both by our founding fathers and the Scriptures… that good governments are the tools of the righteous, SECURE in a people whose moral character is bound by a greater good than found in man alone… Our rights, yeah… Our very liberty is an inalienable gift from our creator (God). If our only security from tyranny lies in the bosom of man… If our only guarantee of life and the pursuit of happiness is found in the restraints of human government, then we are doomed to be most miserable. As, the hope of mankind is soon lost when men are left, solely to the devices of man.
History bears a record of the ill will of man… brought upon his kind. Beginning with Cain, who slew his brother, Abel, mankind has coveted that which others have, including God’s own thrown… witness, Adam and Eve’s desire to be God. Today, unrighteous men are no different; left to their own devices they will take whatever they can… never being satisfied with what they have.
Let us, therefore, exalt the Church to engage the Body of Christ… once again, let the Church take its proper place as the head of man; too, bring order within the community of mankind… too, establish justice and equity among nations, and the house of man. Without God… there is no moral equity in the earth, no justice or liberty… Only, the eternal rise and fall of despots and failed attempts to bring about social tranquility.
Our founding fathers knew God… they trusted in Him, to be a lamp unto their feet and a light unto their path. The precepts of righteousness are established forever they don’t change with time. Righteous Governments are the ministers of God on the earth for good. (Ro 12:1-4) We should not fear the government as long as those who are the ministers of government are Godly men. It is therefore imperative in a just social order, that God be seated at the head of every man, and in every home… at the head of the Halls of Government.
The Church must become actively engaged… in the administration of social justice, in the ordination and blessing of moral LEADERSHIP. It once crowned the kings of the earth… it must once more act to bless the leadership of a moral nation. Beginning in the home and extending into the workplace… In commerce, in every aspect of our social interaction, God must reign, the Supreme Judge of the land. Until the Church purges out the leaven of the world, our Judeo/Christian heritage will be powerless to restore the ‘DREAM’ and promise that was once America.
Our founding fathers fled from the oppressive rule and nature of tyrants… whose religiosity was only exceeded by their immoral and unjust governments. Will America now accept the trappings of such immorality and unjust men, by putting on the yoke our forefathers abandoned? We will see, as this Nation must now choose whom it will serve.
By: Ronald A. Nelson
COL, US Army (retired)
The church IS being judged. Judgement includes mercy once the sin is revealed and repented for. Mike Bickle, who had to step down, and Joni Lamb Ministries on Daystar, who I believe will be removed, are in the crosshairs, exposed of the sin of hidden sexual "license." One against women, one against a child.
His shaking, He promises. The result will be for good, for "He allows what He hates in order to get what He wants." That statement comes from Prophet Amanda Grace on Elijah Streams Ministry.
I will add that the church, until it wakes up to the Apostolic and/or Prophetic, is in rebellion to Him, as that is the foundation of His throne, therefore, it should also be the foundation of the church. It is not. We are in a new time and things must align with His word and HIs work that the church is to DO. And BE. Not just sit down and show up once in a while. It is not a thing. It is a LIFE. Of HIM FIRST.
It isn't "the church" so much as it is the attacks on every side. There are some who llok to please the world instead of God but the vast majority still adhere to God's Word and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ!!!!! Jesus said that in the last days there would be a falling away but only a minority has done so!!!!! I attend 3 churches full time and a Celebrate Recovery at a 4th!!!!! NONE of them have defected to the satanists and I believe they never will
Scripture states in the last days there will be a GREAT falling away...
One of the problems is that there are way too many corrupt chruches out there. How many Christian churches have you seen that display the rainbow flag? I have seen plenty of them throughout the USA. Let me name a few states I have visited recently: California, Florida, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, and Pennsylvania. What do these churches base this abomination on? Aren't Jesus and the New Testament very clear about this?
Clearly, there needs to be a unifying doctrine of Christianity that has to be adhered to and whose values need to be firmly established in American society. Church leaders and the federal government need to ensure that these values permeate society by establishing appropriate oversight and enforcement.
The Church has MANY MEMBERS but is ONE BODY... the eye can not say to the foot depart from me I need you not, nor the hand to the Arm leave me... for the body needs all of its members to be whole... and the less comely members serve with the more gifted to provide the body with every good work.
Be not confused by the diversity of members in the Body of Christ... For, His Church is comprised of many members whose service to one another is necessary to the wholesome operation of the Church...the Body of Christ in the Earth.
Well said Paul.
Reform begins with the individual... who echos the voice of transformation and accountability in the Church at large... The underlying precepts of the Christian Faith must reverberate in the citadels of government and ring loud and clear from the Bell towers of our Churches... until the voice of reform drives out the corrupt from the seats of power in the Church AND.. renews its voice of authority in our living rooms, communities and the halls of government...
Amen Col. Jesus does say the greatest commandment is to "Love God with all your heart, minds, soul and strength". I pray we all follow Jesus Christ.
Has anyone heard one word from the POPE. I knew when he was selected that there was going to be a problem. The previous Pope did and he was also out there when he thought things were going against the Christians. Anyone ever see the this Pope?
Yes, the Church is a moral compass no matter if someone believes or not, the Christian values are the under pinning of a civil society.