
  • No matter, Democrats never have to say "we're sorry! 10885474857?profile=RESIZE_584x

    • The Democrats have proven any idiot can become President or Senator! 


    Nothing is going to happen. A lot of dust in the air, but who has the jurdiction? Bahama's company is a foriegn donor which is not allowed, but if it came from Sam Bankroll then he is only libiel for his source of the funds. All he has to do is dissappear with his hidden billions. And the Dems will do what? 

  • Hope the demoncrats try to enjoy all that money while they are burning in HELL

  • No surprise that demonrats and GOP leadership are involved.

    No wonder McConnell doesn't want to delay the GOP leadership vote. Who knows what else comes out if they delay? A sinister scheme to destroy Trump, to build up DeSantis, to eliminate Teaparty Republicans, to keep expanding NWO,.....? 

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