The effect of being a Word Warrior

Words have meaning and are useful tools of influence and encouragement. But to truly be effective they must be directed toward those who need influence and encouragement. If not, then results will be limited to no action, and no response, other than a "well said" thank you from someone who bothers to read them.

Preaching to the choir is not a truly effective tool in preaching the gospel. The words must go out, to those who need to change, to repent and go the other direction, the right way as opposed to the wrong. It is important to encourage one another, but if that is the limited goal then the goal is truly limited.

Speaking to each other about our government does not bring about change, or compell change to occurr, but only results in "attaboys" or arguments. We do not have the time to limit ourselves to anger and praise. We are in peril up to our ears. Change for the good is absolutely required or we will lose it all.

What do you suggest we do to save our country, to save ourselves, and yes, even save those promoting the demise of our nation? When the ship goes down all on board go down with it.

What do you have to say that might bring about change, and who should your words be directed to?


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  • Your post reminds me of the scripture found in Matthew 5:14-16:

    14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that[b] they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."

    People do not light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. Neither should we limit our words to those in the choir or our own household. I would encourage all here to broadcast the contents in our posts that inform the nation as a whole... Share them on your social networks, other blogs, and websites. The important issue is to share the bounty of the many with those looking for answers to otherwise perplexing problems. Be that light in a world of darkness share your thoughts with others knowing that words carry in them the substance of creation... the ability to persuade and reform... they can move mountains and calm troubled waters.

    Words become empty vessels... when, set loose in a forest without anyone to hear. them.   What good are words spoken in the silence of one's mind or held so close that our neighbors go without hearing them?  Can a watchman warn the city of its calamity if he remains silent, or the righteous warn the wicked to repent without speaking clearly of the danger they face? 



    • It is obvious that information is the only fruit from becoming a Word Warrior. 

      The power of the people is really an illusion. We have no power, other than voting, and that has been easily erased as well. The States, Counties, Cities, etc. do what they want due to the powerless people they purportedly "represent".  In Town Hall meetings one cannot speak unless they have been given prior permission to do so.

      Money has all the power. It takes money to get elected, so our politicians are bought, purchased before they ever park their rear ends in a government chair. People don't matter. Their only usefulness is to be taxed and provide the funds for government to wallow in.

      Our government was purposed to be a Representative Republic. That didn't last long, did it. No taxes without representation is now nothing but an empty phrase of wasted breath. We are not a Democracy either. Never have been, in spite of what is taught in our sorry excuses for schools.

      What power do the people have? Numbers, that's what. Our voices.  Yet it seems it is too much trouble to come together and Demand to be heard, and Demand honesty across the board in all forms of government. And we either get honest representation or the funding dries up until we do.

      Fear is the greatest of all motivators. FEAR.  And it can be applied where it is most needed. One person, only one, if subject to a strong dose of it, will work wonders in bringing about change for the good. All government people will quickly fall in line because fear is contagious and spreads like fire.

      That is where the power of the people lies.  If it is not used, or ever applied where needed, then the people have no power at all. We are empty vessels, and effectively worthless.

      Stand Up.  Or stand down. And continue bitching.

    • The People’s power lies in their LABOR and productivity... Their ability to withhold their labor when universally organized and applied will shut down the economy... dry up the government’s well of wealth and support… shutting down the engines of tyranny and corruption.  Massive labor stoppages and strikes have brought down despotic governments in the past.

      However for the people to exercise the power of their labor they must be ORGANIZED and firmly committed to achieving their goals.  The people must not waiver in their commitment or accept anything less than their demands. Peaceful passive-aggressive resistance coupled with selective labor strikes using the Lech Walesa and the Polish Solidarity Movement model it is possible to achieve political reform in an entrenched communist system.

      America’s public can adapt the Polish Solidarity Movement’s model and techniques to bring reform to the USA.  However, it will require effective leadership and a commitment beyond what the public and our current leaders are prepared to exhibit.

    • The central point can be expressed in a single, simple question. Do people really care enough to do something?  Other than complain and wait on someone else to do something.

      The situation is dire. America is under assault from within and from without simultaneously.  Decency is being destroyed while we watch and talk about it, as if talking about it might cause it to stop. I really don't see people taking this worsening assault serious enough to do anything constructive to combat it. It is apparent that this post is not even worth the time to talk about it, let alone do something.

      Asking for suggestions and getting next to zero speaks volumes to me.  There are no suggestions.  I get it.  Carry on, folks.  Sorry I bothered anyone.

      Thanks for your input Col. Nelson.

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