Source; Oren Long
We often hear that every election is the "most important election in our lifetimes". We are told that so often that it now just bounces off and we pretty much ignore it.
Well, for once, it may be true.
It has been leaked that Kamala's staff is busy compiling a list of radical Leftists she plans to install in key, sensitive positions in the pentagon and national security agencies in government.
This is especially important when it comes to the pentagon and military. You can bet serious money that Kamala would not stop at the pentagon. She would also put Leftists in command of Navy ships and military bases.
In addition, it is an open secret that Kamala plans to pretty much abandon the border and dismantle all border and internal security agencies.
Further, if Kamala is elected, she WILL abandon Israel! She is already calling the victim (Israel) the perpetrator. Does anyone really think she would allow the U.S. to intervene in Israel's defense? Not me. She would quickly throw Israel under the same bus she threw Biden under.
If Kamala did the above, you can be assured our ships and bases would be attacked and Kamala would refuse to respond. She IS the "Manchurian Candidate" and would order our military to stand down. Count on it!
Our enemies would find it easy to overwhelm America, pretty much without firing a shot.
Perhaps the scariest thing is that the Democrat Party and many millions of dimbulb voters actually think this would be a good thing. They really believe America is evil and should be destroyed and replaced by communism. They really hate Jews and Israel. They believe it!
My late Leftist father would have agreed with Kamala on every front. He once told me that if America was attacked, he would refuse to respond. He said, "Better for America to die than for the rest of the world to die". He never understood that if freedom dies in America, it eventually dies everywhere, with everyone enslaved.
My late mother was an anti-Semite. She sat at the dinner table and said, "The best thing we could do is kill all those Jews". I could scarcely believe my ears!
I remember when Pol Pot took over Cambodia. Upon gaining power, he immediately started killing intellectuals who put him in power. If you could even read and write, you died. He even killed young people who committed the unpardonable "sin" of falling in love. The old movie "The Killing Fields" told the story well.
Despite the above, I am cautiously optimistic -- but only temporarily. At this point, I think Trump will win in November despite all the cheating and shenanigans the Democrats will pull. God help us if I'm wrong!
Even so, it is only a matter of time before America commits political and social suicide. It seems the Democrat Party is becoming increasingly radicalized with zero idea what it would replace freedom with other than total authoritarian control over every aspect of everyone's life. Yet, Leftists somehow think their own rules would magically not apply to them. Go figure.
Never forget; we have to win EVERY time. They only have to win ONE time.
Be sure to vote! And vote early, via advance voting if possible. You can bet that there WILL be glitches at polling places on voting day, especially in Republican areas. Leftists are a well-oiled machine. Leftists regularly volunteer to man polling stations and are never above rigging elections. The best solution is to vote early and IN PERSON, not by mail. The ONLY way to guarantee honest elections is via paper ballots, hand marked, hand counted, and under strict supervision. There should be NO machine voting. Machines can be (and often are) rigged to spit out a pre-determined outcome regardless of voter intent. So what if an election outcome takes a few days to determine?
Your thoughts,
Kamala is the most dangerious person to run for the office of President. But most Americans only sees her smile and her skirt!