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  •  My Dad jumped out of Higgins boat on the beach of Iwo Jima, he was 19 and couldn't Vote yet and I'm grateful he's not here to see what is happening to our Country. 

    Fight Patriots, Fight Hard.

  • In Flanders Field, the poppies blow, between the crosses, row on row- - - NEVER forget those who gave their all, so we might live free 💙🙏🏼🙏🏼

  • May God richly bless each and every one of you and those left behind!!!

  • All the men in my family served except one, due to illness. I am grateful.

  • Being the son of a World War II Veteran, I am so proud that these Warriors are being honored on this 80th Anniversary of D-Day!  They deserve all of the Love and Admiration that can possibly be shown to them for their sacrifices!  My only issue with this is that they will have to endure listening to Lying Joe Biden, a louse who ner accomplished anything in his entire life, whose children have grown into a bunch of pampered losers and drug addicts, a wife who should be in jail for elder abuse, and finally, the biggest embarrassment to the United States of America in our History.  The Heroes are already in the History books as the greatest generation, while Lying Joe Biden will go down in history as the biggest MISTAKE in American History!

    • 👍you voice my thoughts so well - - -

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